Created by Saade on 11/21/2023 in #❓┊help
Bind $record in a custom action
Giving the following component:
// Component
class MyPage extends Component implements HasForms, HasActions
use InteractsWithForms;
use InteractsWithActions;

public function editAction(): Action
return Action::make('edit')
->mountUsing(function (Action $action, array $arguments): void {
// Resolve
$record = Author::find($arguments['id']);

// I'm guessing this, this will not work.
Repeater::make('books')->relationship('books') // Repeater must know $record in order to work
->action(function (array $data, Model $record) {
// Component
class MyPage extends Component implements HasForms, HasActions
use InteractsWithForms;
use InteractsWithActions;

public function editAction(): Action
return Action::make('edit')
->mountUsing(function (Action $action, array $arguments): void {
// Resolve
$record = Author::find($arguments['id']);

// I'm guessing this, this will not work.
Repeater::make('books')->relationship('books') // Repeater must know $record in order to work
->action(function (array $data, Model $record) {


<span>Guilherme Saade {{ ($this->editAction)(['id' => 1]) }}</span>
<span>Dan Harrin {{ ($this->editAction)(['id' => 2]) }}</span>



<span>Guilherme Saade {{ ($this->editAction)(['id' => 1]) }}</span>
<span>Dan Harrin {{ ($this->editAction)(['id' => 2]) }}</span>

How can i make the repeater know that the record is the $record resolved on mount? Made a little repro repo with everything set up, no need for migrations and seeders
70 replies
Created by Saade on 8/1/2023 in #❓┊help
`null` query params
Livewire is adding null query parameters to the URL and not removing them
27 replies
Created by Saade on 7/31/2023 in #❓┊help
Table inside simple resource's modal
Is there an option to view a table inside the resource edit modal? I need to put a table inside the edit modal (below the form fields) to act like a view-only relation manager
6 replies
Created by Saade on 7/29/2023 in #❓┊help
Change state before dehydration
For context, i have a DateTimePicker component for selecting the event's start date. If the user marks the all_day checkbox, i need the component to set the hour to 00:00:00 but keeping the date. eg: 28/07/2023 -> 28/07/2023 00:00:00. The thing is: I know i can do this with ->dehydrateStateUsing() but this will override the default dehydration process, which i need because it handles the timezone stuff behind the scenes.. How can i mutate the state before the dehydration process?
28 replies
Created by Saade on 7/28/2023 in #❓┊help
Prevent table checkbox from growing
31 replies
Created by Saade on 3/10/2023 in #❓┊help
DatePicker creating records wrongly but editing correctly
I have an app configured with UTC timezone, and form with the following date picker (DATE ONLY, no time):
->label('Data de início')
->label('Data de início')
If i select 2023-03-09 in the form, it CREATES in the database as 2023-03-09 (wrong, it should save as D-1) If i view the record, it will show as 2023-03-08 (wrong, because of timezone) Then i edit this date back to 2023-03-09 and it UPDATES to 2023-03-10 (correct, D-1) If i view the record, it will show as 2023-03-09 (which is now correct) WTF is going on? Am i dumb and don't know how timezone works?
20 replies