Refresh repeater items after save form
I have been working with Repeater. In this component I have File and Checkbox field.
After save form everything is save in database but on front page I need refresh to see saved items.
What should I use to refresh repeater items after save form?
18 Replies
Someone have any idea?
What filament version are you running exactly?
Do you have any console errors?
Have same problem.
Any news? I have the same problem.
Running on v3.2.34
I have the same problem @Dan Harrin, is this intended behaviour or?
Never seen this before as no-one has opened a bug report properly on GitHub with a minimal reproduction repository.
Alright will do this now
Also @Liam please do not tag people as per #✅┊rules
Sorry wasn't aware of the rule
For some reason I am unable to reproduce it in the issue project..
which is exactly why i wont investigate issues without a reproduction 😅
Well, took me a while but I identified the issue... When you always eager load the relationship on a model it causes this issue:
When I removed this it worked perfectly again.
That behaviour certainly looks unexpected. Can you share some code
I'd also ask you both to upgrade to the latest version
Yeah, because nobody reads the f*cking rules that are posted all over the server ... Sorry, had to vent ... 🙈
No idea how many terms and conditions of use I have accepted without ever reading them, probably tens of thousands. Can't blame people, we're all bombarded with rules, regulations, terms and conditions every day. It's impossible to keep track.
Had the exact same behaviour, updated to latest version (v3.2.132), nothing changed, but the fix from Liam fixed my bug. Cheers bro !
(Sorry for the grave digging here, but could still be useful for others)