Created by 3rgo on 1/2/2025 in #❓┊help
Can replicateAction be used with a form ?
I would like to use the TableAction ReplicateAction, but I need my user to update some of the fields on the new model (in my case date fields). I have tried to add a ->form([ ... ]) , and the fields appear properly and everything, but when it's saved, my form content is ignored. I have tried implementing the beforeReplicaSaved method, but it cannot evaluate $form or $state. Anyone know what I can do ? Otherwise I'll create a custom action but I'd rather not if I can use the built-in one. Thanks !!!
2 replies
Created by 3rgo on 11/21/2023 in #❓┊help
Disabled action tooltip does not show
I'm working on a form (inside a custom page FWIW) with an action that is disabled dynamically depending on the form state. I would like to show a tooltip only when my action is disabled, to inform the user of why it is disabled, so I've injected the state of the current action to vary my tooltip content :
->disabled(fn ($livewire) => $livewire->isDirty())
->tooltip(fn (Action $action) => $action->isDisabled() ? __('pages.apply.submit_confirmation_disabled') : null)
->disabled(fn ($livewire) => $livewire->isDirty())
->tooltip(fn (Action $action) => $action->isDisabled() ? __('pages.apply.submit_confirmation_disabled') : null)
But when the action is disabled the tooltip does not show. If I remove the condition and set the tooltip text unconditionally, it show when the action is enabled and does not show when the action is disabled. Did I do something wrong, or is this expected behavior ? If this is expected, is there a workaround ? Thanks
2 replies
Created by 3rgo on 11/17/2023 in #❓┊help
Ability to skip validation on form ?
Hey everyone ! I'm working on a custom page that contains a form. I need to have 2 actions at the bottom : - a "save draft" action that performs the model update (even a partial one, ignoring empty fields), so ignoring the required rule - a "submit" action that performs a total data validation and save My save draft action is not on a submit button, but a regular one, with wire:click="saveDraft" , but I never reach the dd in that function, and validation fails on empty fields. Any idea how I can go around the required rule when using this method ? Thanks !
9 replies
Created by 3rgo on 9/13/2023 in #❓┊help
Custom widget collapsible section does not work
I'm building a custom widget to display in a form header, and I'm using the x-filament::section helper from the core documentation (https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/support/blade-components/section), and the collapsibleflag does not seem to work, I get the following AlpineJS error :
Alpine Expression Error: isCollapsed is not defined Expression: "{ 'invisible h-0 border-none': isCollapsed }"
Here is my code, I didn't do anything too fancy yet :
<x-filament::section icon="fas-calendar-check" collapsible>
<x-slot name="heading">
{{ __('attributes.attributions') }}

{{-- Content --}}
<x-filament::section icon="fas-calendar-check" collapsible>
<x-slot name="heading">
{{ __('attributes.attributions') }}

{{-- Content --}}
When I check the HTML code, the x-data directive is present on the section root element with the boolean in it, I don't know what went wrong Everything is up to date on Composer and NPM (did the v3 upgrade earlier today)
12 replies