Not generating a bat file for 360
Created a sketch and filmed in The Scipting experimental build but get a blue screen when trying to generate a 360. I opened the official OB beta, refilmed and no bat file was generated. Resaved the sketch as a new sketch, reshot the video and the bat file was not generated a second time.
54 Replies
Blue screen? As in the whole computer crashes?
I might need a copy of the sketch.
No just a blank blue screen and it doesn’t start the process
Ah. Like one of these?

No light blue and completely blank

I also have several sketches that no longer have bat files being generated.

Can you DM me a copy of the sketch for this?
Both the experimental and beta are no longer generating UDSA and BAT files for me anymore

ok it's showing just USDA now no bat. the first was because I didnt officially save. (autosave). Which is good to know too!

OK. That sounds like it's worth recording as an extra bug potentially. (A minor one as a I doubt many people other than testers would bump into it)
Neither of those tilt files have camera paths. How were you creating video?
Did you create the camera path later so it's not in that autosave?
Maybe send me the manual save rather than the autosave?
@andybak I record freehand prob 99% of the time. Only use camera paths for huge scenes . Can resend you the saved ones.
ah ok - i forgot you still got a usd with freehand capture.
No probs… will send you files in about an hr
do you get a bat file with any project?
or is it more "bat files have stopped being generated" in general?
Older ones yes. Not since the last couple of ones. I can provide date ranges where it was off if you’d like to see if it changed on a date where you updated
i just mean "any recording now doesn't produce a bat file"
i don't need a specific project to test this?
Yes as of now they are not being generated
I’ll send you the last two saved
1. Open OB
2. Draw something
3. Record freehand camera
that's all i need to do
It’s happening with both beta and experimental
Just sent.....checked my files and its sporadic. Using both beta for some and experimentals wouldnt cause this would it? All sketches are generated one or the other.
I should really be naming Old habits are hard to thank God for thumbnails

Some generate udsa, some none, some both
Goes back to nov 13th in this section
It looks pretty consistent to me - the bug was introduced in the merge on October 27th
so any captures using a version more recent than that would be lacking the bat file
I've pushed a fix so should make it's way into the beta later today
Thanks Andy!
Will the experimental build be updated as well?
yep. assuming i remember!
lol please do!!!! 🙏 😄
(there is no "the experimental build" - i've been dilligent in updating the plugin scripting build - less so with the other experimental builds)
ok so this one is just "plugin" lol you know thats the one i use most.
yep. that's the one i assumed you meant. that comment was mainly to avoid confusing other people reading this!
Tried to generate another 360 after the fix and its still producing the light blue screen. The bat files are generating again.
This should be fixed in 2.3.112 - my Oculus Store version seems reluctant to update. Maybe try Steam?
I would have to reshoot the video for it to work is that correct?
not the blue screen bug
that is a bug launching in offline mode
ok cool...will try again later today...
wait a min... do I have to save on steam? How does it know which version to open to render offline?
ah - good point. you'd need to either rerecord or edit the .bat file to point at steam
or just kick oculus until it updates!
just trying that now on mine
ok I'll kick oculus....seems to have a more issues due to the probs with updating
yeah - REALLY slow downloads
Did it work?
i'll let you know when the download has finished!
lol. ok thanks a bunch
Found a photo of the file server for the Oculus Store:

Deleted oculus version and rerecorded on steam....its generating offline 360's now however all of the others get the blue screen. Is there a way to get these to work without re-recording them?
Can I redirect them?
You could copy a newer version of Open Brush into the oculus install directory. Or edit the batch files to point to the steam install directory.
Where do you edit the bat file exactly? Seems the bat file isnt editable to point to a different location
DId the oculus update fix the oculus one?
Here's a bat file example:
You see there's 4 paths in there: The first and last point to where Open Brush is installed (in this cas it's the Oculus Store version)
The 2nd and 3rd point to your Documents folder.
You want to edit the first and last paths to point to the version of Open Brush you want to use.
@andybak If I double click the bat file, there is no edit option, just the offline rendering processed allowed input.
Don't double click it then!
Just open it with a text editor
ahhh ok thanks
Thanks for the notification. Due to the high priority of this issue, we've added sufficient budget to the server management account to compensate for two rolls of tape.!