C#2y ago

❔ how to create a class equivalent to another

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26 Replies
this_is_pain2y ago
look at the doc for the records, you don't need all that stuff record HumanCouple(Human first, Human second);
OP2y ago
thats a primary constructor? ok hold on
OP2y ago
are these equivalent?
No description
Angius2y ago
More or less
Mango2y ago
You can even look into ValueTuples, you don’t need to declare a Record
Kiel2y ago
@Many Nights. if you would really like to you can get even fancier with the record
public record HumanCouple(Human First, Human Second)
public static implicit operator HumanCouple((Human First, Human Second) tuple) => new(tuple.First, tuple.Second);
public record HumanCouple(Human First, Human Second)
public static implicit operator HumanCouple((Human First, Human Second) tuple) => new(tuple.First, tuple.Second);
Kiel2y ago
No description
Kiel2y ago
if you wanted lol
Mango2y ago
Why use a Record over a ValueTuple for simple data storage/move? Not trying to argue against it, seems like extra steps to do something as basic as return two objects at the same time from a method.
Angius2y ago
It's more strongly typed, and it's just plain easier to use when it needs to be passed around It's easier to make a method that takes a Couple as a parameter, rather than a (Human first, Human second) It's also more descriptive After all, (Human first, Human second) could refer to mortal enemies, besties, parents, organ donor and the patient who got it, etc Couple or HumanCouple immediately tells you what it is
Mango2y ago
So it adds readability
Angius2y ago
Now, you can (or will be able to?) alias tuples with names But it's only on a per-file level, IIRC Yep, adds readability
Mango2y ago
Nothing technical
Angius2y ago
No, it's not like there's a performance benefit or something Not that I know of, at least
Mango2y ago
What if you had a ValueTuple of (Person husband, Person wife) GetCouple()?
Angius2y ago
Yeah, that is more understandable But then you have to take care to keep naming it like that Because names for tuple elements don't matter, IIRC
Mango2y ago
That is right
Angius2y ago
So this will be assignable to a variable of type (Person justADude, Person mortalEnemy)
Mango2y ago
The benefit is that you don’t have to write up a Record, but at the expense that data flow can get lost in the weeds easier Benefit of Record is that there’s stricter data flow so it’s harder for intent to get lost But you do have to create a new Record everytime you want to use one
Murten2y ago
That's not very 2023 of you.
Mango2y ago
So is using JS for backend but people still do LULLLLLL always analyze technical benefits first, abstract benefits come second. But if the abstract benefits outweigh the technical Then that choice wins
Murten2y ago
Making a record takes like 2 seconds though.
Mango2y ago
Making a single record takes 2 second You think an app will only have 1 record in its lifetime? I dunno about you but I try to keep my codebase surface area as small as possible, less areas to debug.
Angius2y ago
Then you could argue in favour of never using classes, just tuples and extension methods on them
Mango2y ago
You could, but I’m not dense enough to know that not using classes would be better Use it if it makes sense to
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