Blazor cross component state mutation
What’s the best way to implement a theme switcher/toggle where one component on the layout gets the initial theme mode state, lets you switch, saves new value to db, but also needs to communicate the change to the rest of the component tree?
Currently I am trying an approach using SignalR and hubs to send a notification where another component picks up the state change and passes it down the heirarchy as a cascading parameter.
This works well although I’d rather not rely on SignalR if a singleton state manager with simple StateHasChanged invocation can happen. But I’m not sure how to do that given that the state is per user.
7 replies
Maui CommunityToolkit MediaElement
I'm trying to use the
component from CommunityToolkit.Maui
to add a media player. Their guide supports 3 different schemes(?) as defined here:
I don't want to use a URI resource, I would prefer to use either an embed://
or filesystem://
source but I don't know how to set either of them. I've tried filesystem with no luck. Assuming my .mp4
is located at Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Assets\Music\guidgen.mp4")
what would the corresponding filesystem://
or embed://
value be?313 replies
MudBlazor exception with MudDataGrid
Getting the following exception when trying out MudDataGrid component
I've tried all the steps here: as answered in
8 replies
DateTimeOffset vs DateTime
All of the dates in our tables are DateTime (sql version mainly) and all the dates are stored as local time (dumb design mainly). I am slowly modernizing the backend and slowly copying all the domain logic into .NET Standard libs so we can transition the app from .NET Framework to .NET 8+. Since none of the new code is being used by the app yet, I figured now might be a good time to fix our local DateTime dumb design.
1) keep new entities using DateTime properties and table stays u changed
2) new domain models uses DateTimeOffset for those properties
3) mapping layer handles converting DateTime to DateTimeOffset and vice versa when moving data in/out of persistence.
That way when we can transition the tables to be DateTimeOffset we can support that by just updating the entities and patching the mapping layer.
How does this sound?
23 replies
❔ How to specify Basic authentication scheme with NetworkCredentials?
Title. Getting an exception about client sending
when server is expecting NTLM
. Trying to connect to an SSRS server. Is this something I have to set on the SSRS server as well?4 replies
❔ NET 6 breaking changes
What does it mean?
82 replies
❔ EF Core LINQ translation document
In the process of upgrading a .NET Core 1.1 to 6 app, our EF Core LINQ queries are now hitting some translation issues with the usage of
String.Equals(String, StringComparison)
method in the IQueryable<DbSet<T>>.Where()
method. I’m going through those to clean them up but I was wondering if anyone knew of a blog/SO post that has a list of all the LINQ translation gotchas we may run into?5 replies
❔ Configuring ILogger to log to database.
Does this look right to have ILogger configured to log to database?
16 replies