The ability to select all by brush type or color

Ex. Use the pointer to select the brush stroke/color you want then have the ability where it selects all of the same type.
5 Replies
andybak•17mo ago
Yeah. This one has occured to me a few times and then I've promptly forgotten about it! 😆 I fixed a few bugs related to "select all" and layers on the beta. Selections should only ever be for the current layer - let me know if you spot cases where it's possible to break that rule.
ZandyOP•17mo ago
Thanks a bunch! Will def test and let you know.
AncientWorlds•17mo ago
This would be super useful. Being able to grab all of them and move them to a new layer in order to rebrush would make the workflow for a lot of things I do much faster. At least in theory. I spend a significant amount of time rebrushing on a lot of my pieces
andybak•17mo ago
I've thought about adding the ability to save selections for later recall like in 3ds Max. But that is pretty much what layers are, so it's probably just duplicate functionality.
AncientWorlds•17mo ago
Saving selections seems like overkill. A tool to select all identical brush strokes (or identical and same colored) in one go would be super useful. If it has the capability to move them to a different layer while keeping existing groups intact, even better.
For greater precision the ability to just select qualifying brush strokes within a group would be a nice feature as well. This would be useful for purposes like rebrushing all the muscle brush strokes on a single figure or object.
Frequently in my workflow, I'll group an entire figure or something like the scales on their armor or a specific body area into a single group.
Once they're on their own layer they are presumably automatically isolated (haven't tested that lately) so would be easy to recolor/rebrush or move them en masse.

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