What's your next purchase? - Topic of the day 9/6/23

We're here because we like clothes. Is there a hole in your wardrobe you're trying to fill? What are you eyeing next? What's that next item on your purchase list? How long have you been waiting to buy?
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83 Replies
sharloy2y ago
I always have holes in my wardrobe even though I’m always getting rid of items but for the immediate future, I’m missing a bootleg Latto tee in XXL
sinbad2y ago
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sharloy2y ago
Eventually I’ll buy a howlin sweater, a plain cardigan, paraboots to replace my wallabies that are falling apart, some plain tees to replace some old ones, and a long sleeve shirt
Smiles2y ago
I can't spend money this month (which will be a good thing to figure out exactly what I need) but I'm thinking some louder or graphic longsleeve shirts. Feel good about my jackets/sweaters/pants so thats the obvious hole for me right now. Or some drop brand like ALD or Supreme will drop something cool at the beginning of October and I'll make a purchase off FOMO
rman3202y ago
I will be getting a navy overcoat for the fall/winter.
baek2y ago
Looking to get a boxy white button-up, maybe an OCBD. Also maybe a cute knit tie. Going to a conference in a couple months and my current closet is way too casual.
heckle2y ago
Maybe not my next purchase but have been 👀 this
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jimi2y ago
this jacket from uniqlo when it goes on sale
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davis2y ago
Next cop is getting my pants hemmed
kmn2y ago
Whatever is on deep sale the next time I get drunk, probably
The interest may pass once I actually see it in person but the pink cord rowing blazers x target suit has me thinkies
Spuck2y ago
Buying some autumn knits, even though autumn is ceasing to become a season in Europe
kalvin2y ago
orslow two tuck wide if it goes on sale again black loafers cardigan Autumn knitwear
Paraboot Michaels Kapital fleece Makanai Some sort of overall
Bigelow2y ago
Maybe some black tassel loafers 👀
Oooo what kind?
Bigelow2y ago
probably gonna be Aldens in black shell got my ebay alerts up lmao think they'd be fun for professor dressup fits
zacheadams2y ago
custom fit earplugs so I can be the hearingest person after the concert and maybe a new winter coat?
Dope. I’ve been thinking about some black tassel loafers lately myself. Although I think I want the Crockett & Jones Cavendish in black calf
I Play Nidalee
if u asked yesterday, i would've said a new washer and dryer, but i just bought dem
I’m thinking I’ll get an LLBean Norwegian sweater since I’ve been after one for years, but I’ve put myself on a buy freeze for the next couple months so that I can actually figure out where I want to go with my wardrobe and hobbies
Bigelow2y ago
those are beautiful
Zidgel2y ago
Gonna snag an Aran sweater, trying to maximize coziness this fall/winter. Also picking up penny loafers next Allen Edmonds sale
kstocks2y ago
Debating between new denim or a pointed black knit tie.
fauxhemian2y ago
Chucks. Just found out they are making them in wide sizes now. I grew up using them but at some point they started destroying my hobbit-sized feet. Hope these work out.
Gideo2y ago
it’ll be gone by then!!! lol. the first release of the utility jacket without the liner was the one i really wanted and i can’t get em without the stupid resale!
Elvander2y ago
Like a grenadine, or a pointed chunky knit?
Gideo2y ago
A good derby shoe, everyone has great ones here but I’ve yet to pull the trigger on any specific brand because it’s hard to decide. Leaning towards the Guidi 992. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted Birkies in the past decade since they’ve become popular but I tried em on the other day and now I understand. Not a sandal person and prefer mules at best but i want to give arizona’s a shot.
kstocks2y ago
Like a chunky knit. I own a black grenadine tie already but am looking for something more casual. I really like this one by The Armoury https://www.thearmoury.com/collections/ties/the-armoury-silk-point-end-knit-tie?variant=17347950608455
Silk Point End Knit Tie
We’re excited to introduce our own knit ties, made for us in Italy. Unlike traditional knit ties, which feature flat ends and narrower widths, our tipped knit tie offers the look of your...
Elvander2y ago
That's very well executed. 👌
awburkey2y ago
That one looks very nice. I have one I really like from kamakura in black https://kamakurashirts.com/products/as0045
Kamakura Shirts Global Online Store
German Collection Tie [Knit]
Hand-sewn...An absolute prerequisite to ensure quality Handmade ties allow movement and are not rigid like machine made ties. Ties are machine made for the purpose of mass production, and this means that each tie will not have the same attention or care that goes into a hand sewn tie. At Kamakura Shirts, we do not mass produce as we wish to ensu...
Elvander2y ago
that's a great price, looks like the ascot.de / Shibumi ones
awburkey2y ago
I think that's who makes them actually
Elvander2y ago
that are also made in Germany cost more from ascots own site
awburkey2y ago
I've been told they're made by ascot or something similar
awburkey2y ago
Nayyyyy2y ago
housey furniturey stuff rn. kinda paused on buying clothes and did a mini purge/sold stuff the last week. got a f/w jacket sleeves being hemmed and my tailor is on holiday. so picking that up in 3 weeks time lol. peng
Elvander2y ago
I literally have a black knit shibumi tie in the air rn to pair with black tassel loafers I got last week the db looks 🔥 , I need to add one to the list
awburkey2y ago
My current want to cop list is paraboot michaels, a green stripe OCBD (maybe Wythe since they're in stock), and Spier just posted about a brown moleskin jacket that I'd love for A/W It's such a good combo. I was shocked how easy this was to wear tbh Tie and DB jacket, but it's super casual and wearable Stretch buy would be a custom hat 🤠
Elvander2y ago
what kind of hat? My ❤️ wants a hat to wear with tailoring but my 🧠 is telling me i'd look like a dipshit
awburkey2y ago
Recently tried this one on at a custom shop in Santa fe and was surprised how much I liked the open road crease. Generally I like the pinch crease in photos of hats
awburkey2y ago
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Elvander2y ago
Yeah, that's geographical privilege. You get magnificent hats like that, culturally I'm allowed a flat cap.
awburkey2y ago
I think @philipgregard is in the EU and loves wearing lots of western/Brycelands type stuff Everyone in Denver looks like REI threw up all over them anyway
philipgregard2y ago
I’m built different I suppose.
Yo I really dig this for you
kstocks2y ago
TY! How do you like the shibumi knit? I was looking at one from them but it looks a little wider than most other knits
Elvander2y ago
I love it, It's a little long for me , but that's a short man problem. I can do a double four in hand and it's fine. It looks gorgeous
Elvander2y ago
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kstocks2y ago
This is great. As a fellow short dude I have also embraced the double four in hand lol
Elvander2y ago
The talls will never know our pain 🙏 black knit should be here this week. I have a MTM sport coat and flannel trousers cooking with Anglo Italian rn, that will land in October. I'm very much looking forward to rocking the whole ensemble with the black knit, and tassel loafers.
Weeg2y ago
I really dont have any sort of plan for what piece of clothing i need next So ive decided its a tattoo Idk what im gonna get yet
Elvander2y ago
obligatory panther
leroideskiki2y ago
I'm also very tempted but I'm hesitating between the colors
femto2y ago
I know a lot of holes in my wardrobe, even have some of them on my notes app, but I'll just fill them bit by bit when the chances arise. Today I'll try and find a canvas belt online ig lol. What I really want is a basic blazer or sport coat (maybe grey/brown?) but satisfactory affordable ones are so hard to find, so may be more of a long term thing
jimi2y ago
I'm grabbing black because for a green jacket in that style I need a brown collar
Weeg2y ago
Im not above admitting an american traditional big cat of some variety is a great tattoo
heckle2y ago
It really is Wolf good too 🐺
leroideskiki2y ago
good idea, I have quite a few olive or khaki pants, black might be the right solution
Aaron 🍍
Aaron 🍍2y ago
Aaron 🍍
Aaron 🍍2y ago
I was trying to find these slp xiv in my size but none at the stores near me
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Aaron 🍍
Aaron 🍍2y ago
70mm heel, patent leather.
dosius2y ago
Next purchase will be a ring jacket blazer from yjp that I'm sure I'll mis-size harold
quantum2y ago
Some paraboot or yuketen loafers. Another, wider pair of Oni jeans. A knit tie. A bolo tie. Some kind of sport coat. And belts!! I need belts so bad.
Mike Danger
Mike Danger2y ago
been eyeballing those uniqlo work pants (fatigues?) but keep putting off actually buying them
bustin_janks2y ago
a big grey herringbone overcoat similar to this one by dbf for this fall (but vintage/secondhand and cheaper)
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Sal2y ago
I need to get a fuckin vitamix so bad but I keep forgetting and spending my money on stupid bs Like what's more valuable a blender I'll use every day or a coat I'll wear <10 times a season Tune in next week the answer will surprise you!
kalvin2y ago
I feel this. I wanted a sonos soundbar at home. But put it off because I can't afford it now £ xxx worth of clothes later 🙃
bustin_janks2y ago
I won a vitamix in a raffle once, might just be the best thing that ever happened to me the dial is starting to come off though, I need to figure out how to fix it
Aaron 🍍
Aaron 🍍2y ago
I’m supposed to be buying carbon fiber by the yard for compositing but I keep buying clothes
zacheadams2y ago
so worth just don't have an xbox and the arc, there's an unknown bug that causes loud pops
kalvin2y ago
thankfully I'm in the ps5 master race (I haven't touched it in months) (I've got 4 games I've left unfinished)
awburkey2y ago
Is a vitamix all it's cracked up to be? I have a Ninja and am a fan
Sal2y ago
I used to have a roommate with one and it's incredible but I'm not a big enough blend nerd to parse the difference going from no blender to blender is a huge improvement compared to going from ninja to vita
Spuck2y ago
I have a ninja, its great. I've used a vitamix and its very much better .
awburkey2y ago
I'm also dumb and used my $25 Amazon food processor for dinner last night instead of our ninja so who's the real winner? (none of us, it took me forever to get dinner done)
zacheadams2y ago
buy refurb, use discounts if you can find them, use credit card offers as well (amex usually has a rolling points bonus, and citi might too)
TheRealBinky2y ago
Well, I bought some new khakis and some Alden PTB’s literally today. But “next” is probably either a MTM uni stripe oxford or yarn for the cardigan my wife promised to knit me
despot2y ago
i like muji for t-shirts but their stock seems iffy and i want to get a new planner from them cause i put all my finance/budgeting in it. haven't bought any clothing except a tee for probably over a year now
I don’t need Blunnies but I want Blunnies very badly. But more than likely the next thing I’ll buy will be a Carhartt jacket for my son.
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jfarrell4682y ago
I'm currently working on the navyblazer portion of my wardrobe.
KissGo-Goat2y ago
I'm currently looking at a pair of Redwing Blacksmiths

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