Created by SquillyFerrell on 9/22/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Gloverall tailoring
Does anybody have any experience with getting the sleeves of Gloverall (Monty, specifically) brought up? How did the tailor go about the sleeve fastener? Did they move the whole assembly up the sleeve, or did they just bring the hem up to the fastener? Just curious because I've been meaning to buy a new one (old is too small now), but know that the sleeves will be far too long to go unchanged. Thanks so much!
1 replies
Created by SquillyFerrell on 8/13/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Overcoat makers
I'm wondering if there are any recs for brands which make long (and I mean like mid-calf) overcoats as opposed to the more common knee-length which most brands carry now. I'm mostly looking for balmacaan-style/adjacent coats since I already have vintage Burberry, Brooks, etc. trenches and polo coats. Thanks!!!
14 replies