Waveform FFT not showing when exported to Unity and SDK/Toolkit
For some reason waveform FFT isn't showing in unity when using assets that use this brush. Almost as if the emmission gain is too low?
37 Replies
It seems fine for me:

Might be something specific to your sketch or export? You can send me the files if you like
I use the darkest setting for the color for fft ..not showing for me but again have to use Unity 2019 for VRC so not sure if this may be affecting anything
Sorry for the delay… I’ve been swamped with work. Tried the brush again in unity and had to increase the emission gain. It was too low to view anything on import. It’s working but had to adjust settings
OK - so it looks different to how it looks in Open Brush? What color did you use when painting? can you give me the exact value so i can try it?
Yes it looks different. Used a coral/orangy color. I'll send you a sample in DM in about 15min
Oh this is quite a rabbit hole you've sent me down!
Uh ohhh what happened?
Waveform FFT is a weird brush. When you're not using Audio Reactivity, it uses the original rgb colour values as 3 inputs to it's waveform generator. But there seems to be something odd about the way these interact with the uv coordinates when exported.
Ok so it wasn’t just me
I suspect either the color has shifted ever so slightly or the uv coordinates have
here's four strokes of different brightess in the Unity SDK/Toolkit
It seems they definitely work differently in unity than in OB
Here's how they looked in the headset originally
Yeah the taper is off too
they've all got slower - but the darker ones get much slower
And not as visible without tweaking the gain
your strokes are so dark they are like the lowest ones - and it takes them ages to scroll through to the slighty brighter parts
I use dark most of the time to get a certain effect
Yeah. I'm stumped on how to fix this. Do you know any other brushes that look different in SDK/toolkit? Especially textures not tiling the same way?
Currently out atm but can play around more when I get home. Updating the gallery so I should be able to catch specific examples if something is off.
I know for sure the animated and particle brushes seem to have the most issues and have to do workarounds often
ok just put all animated brushes on the canvas by panel # and do notice some slight differences in color but mostly with GLB vs FBX. Don't see the differences in animation like FFT. Id send a vid of me pulling it into unity but the shaders were wigging out with FBX. These are the shaders tested:

Glb they all show fine with no major changes except fft, however, FBX is still showing broken shaders for Bubbles, Rising Bubbles, Dots, Embers, Smoke. The original issue doesnt seem to be an issue like FFT but maybe the color differences between GLB and FBX is a result of some broken and using the same UV coordinates issue? Again just thinking out loud....You're the expert on shaders, just sharing what I see/experience.

Also notice many duplicates in shaders in the Toolkit when searching for shaders to apply to FBX, many are not the correct one. May be helpful for those using it if the duplicates and inactive ones are removed. Not sure if they are being added with the model imports or the toolkit itself.
Just checked the toolkit and its only one, I think they are importing with the models
For example: searching for "tapered" this is what I get. Some repeat, some show the different types. Obviously some are broken but listed.

There's 6 brushes with the word "tapered" in the title

Only four of them are available to use for some reason
There's eight materials in the Unity SDK with the word "tapered" in the name:

here are the materials for the 6 brushes that exist in open brush:

The names mostly correspond with the brush names (aside from adding a suffix to two of them)
Ah - in Open Brush UI they use the phrase "Pinched" instead of "Double Tapered"
so there's also PinchedFlat and PinchedMarker
Lol. This is why I keep a spreadsheet! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12fHPnMNhpGGdR1mzFeCjXbg1Nv1PO1LZGcHwgp3S1Og/edit#gid=0
There's actually ten brushes with "tapered" in their internal names!

That's in Open Brush
Yes but the numerical values correspond to the model and whats being imported. One of the tapers is a broken one as well. 2nd row, 3rd from the right. Tapered marker 4th from the bottom right is flat with no color and not as it should be.
Even if you go through the list and apply them as materials, they are not all correct. Just stumbling blocks when you have to use the fbx after blendering (new vr term 🤣 ) the models for optimization/UV mapping.
So - don't use fbx?
Unless another developer steps up to fix fbx issues then it will stay broken. There's only so many things I can spend time on.
I'd rather fix other formats to that fbx isn't neccesary (and I'm still not sure I understand why it's neccesary - at least I don't have a clear reproducible list of issues it solves that can't be solved with .gltf)
(We do however have to switch the Unity SDK/Toolkit to use GLTFast or else there will be 3D models that work fine in Open Brush but can't be imported back in to Unity)
I truly wish I didnt have to, but until we can have no cap on exported brushes I have to or the frames tank. Fixing hulls are no biggie, the joining is..
I truly appreciate what you all do for the community. I hope OB can get some funding to get more hands on deck.
Maybe this will solve a lot of the problems.
I truly wish I didnt have to, but until we can have no cap on exported brushes I have to or the frames tank.If you can give me sample files and notes that clearly show how fbx avoids this issue and gltf doesn't then I'll take a look. But it has to be really clear and easy to for me to follow as I don't do this stuff very often and I need to be able to understand the workflow without spending hours on it
I can. Biggest issues is if I have to join in blender a lot of the brushes break when reimported in unity.
Give me a couple of days. Finishing up a big project that I have to get done ASAP. Should be able to get something to you this weekend or the beginning of next week.
We have a fix for that though. It just needs to be fixed in SDK toolkit
That's not a pro-fbx point. That's a "fix the sdk bug" point