neck gap?

At one point I was wearing 15.5 inch collars which worked but were pretty tight, it was hard for me to button them Went to the thrift shop and found this 16.5 inch collar shirt (a Charles thyrwhitt one in New condition for only $2) and bought it. Is the neck gap too big? I tried to take some photos from different angles
6 Replies
moihbalphw12mo ago
Personally I think if i keep my posture upright its not noticeable but if I slouch a bit it becomes more noticeable
awburkey12mo ago
I’m trying to figure out how you wore 15.5 if 16.5 fits like that
moihbalphw12mo ago
Eh its a bit tight, my neck diameter if I measured correctly is 15.25. Measured right under the adams apple. But yea I thought it would be 15.5 I can still fit a finger in 15.5 tho
Bigelow12mo ago
16.5 looks like a correctly sized neck on you
gimp12mo ago
I didn't wanna comment here because I was too confused. The 16.5 looks correct? If so, 15.5 would have choked you like crazy?
enterthelair12mo ago
too tight. yes, you can fit the finger, but barely