Railway•16mo ago

Database Connection Issues

Hi, I'm running various Node.JS projects using Prisma on Railway, which connect to a database on RDS. Yesterday, one of my projects started being unable to connect to the database, giving very regular errors. I've since redeployed that project a few times and eventually it seems to be working again (I guess now running on a different one of your servers or something).... however now one of my other Projects suddenly has that problem and I'm not sure on the best way to go about resolving it. :/ Anyone got any suggestions on ways to resolve this? Thanks in advance.
9 Replies
Percy•16mo ago
Project ID: 328a5f9d-67a9-4dd3-a605-143a716f788a
Percy•16mo ago
It seems that the issue is related to the postgres database not being up-to-date, or the wrong password being used. It is recommended to try resetting the database credentials from the settings panel and then updating the app with those new ones.
⚠️ experimental feature
sohcah•16mo ago
Ray•16mo ago
can you share the errors you're running into?
sohcah•16mo ago
Can't reach database server at redacted.eu-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com:5432 Please make sure your database server is running at redacted.eu-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com:5432.
Ray•16mo ago
this sounds like an RDS issue. Can you connect to the RDS instance from outside?
sohcah•16mo ago
Yes. And other projects (on Railway) can connect perfectly (well, which projects can connect keeps changing... each time I deploy there seems to be a chance it runs on a server where it works... and sometimes it doesn't... all started yesterday)
Ray•16mo ago
that's odd.. Maybe related to the DDoS incident yesterday in #🚨|incidents sorry I can't help you with this
sohcah•16mo ago
Thanks for trying anyway. I'll probably just try re-deploying a few times in hopes of getting on a server where it does work or something