Possible issue regarding 360 video compiling in offline render

Recent https://discord.com/channels/783806589991780412/857293537737441301/1082472627790155918 Previous discussion https://discord.com/channels/783806589991780412/784197548918177842/1027092798698168381 Summary: frames may render and not compile to video on completion using offline render Not sure if the issue tag is correct, although seems a good fit since it has to be run on pc
4 Replies
andybak2y ago
Is this the same as https://discord.com/channels/783806589991780412/1052021910755622973 ? If so - let me know and I'll remove one of them.
Zandy2y ago
@ancientworlds I’ve noticed this before but it usually happened if the process got interrupted.
othervrbarry2y ago
I've also noticed that selecting 6 (360 4k, no quick load) doesn't work because it is just blank. The program renders the whole path, but there is nothing but empty space. Doesn't happen when I select 5.
AncientWorldsOP2y ago
Ya, is one of the reasons I like to keep the comp files, unless we can figure out a way to realtime it and not lose data Unclear? Some other ground covered in that thread, too bad that we don't have a way to merge them

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