Can not select items when copied and rebrushed

Beta prerelease/Steam. When you copy and paste part of your piece and rebrush, you can not always grab the rebrushed part after to move it. It's stuck in the original position. Happened with both original and experimental brushes.
20 Replies
andybak3y ago
I vaguely remember this happening to me too but I can't reproduce it now: 1. Start a new sketch 2. Paint a few strokes with brush A 3. Switch to the Repaint tool and make sure "Rebrush" is turned on 4. Choose a new brush 5. Rebrush one or more of the strokes 6. Switch to the Selection Tool 7. Grab the Rebrushed strokes. That works fine. Is there a chance the bug is specific to certain brushes or something else? Any suggestions on how to reproduce this would be really helpful.
ZandyOP3y ago
No it happened with both the original and experimental brushes. That looks good up above but after you paint you copy and rebrush. I tried again yesterday and it didnt happen same build but it happened the day before. Maybe one brush is triggering the bug? I used the new waveform and mylar yesterday. Tried to reproduce and copy with other brushes and it wouldnt work (couldnt grab the sketch that was copied)
andybak3y ago
but after you paint you copy and rebrush.
Ah. I missed this bit. There's two ways of duplicating strokes: you either hold them and press the secondary button - or you just hover over them (without grabbing them) any idea which you were doing?
ZandyOP3y ago
I select then duplicate with the button on the right hand.
andybak3y ago
So not grabbing? the second method
ZandyOP3y ago
Oh and yesterday I found that you can use the joystick and hover over the UI in brushes and it scrolls through them fast instead of the clicking? Was that always there? select hover and duplicate with the button. 2 I dont grab because they are selected
andybak3y ago
Updated steps: 1. Start a new empty sketch 2. Paint a brush stroke with brush A 3. Switch to the select tool 4. Hover over the new stroke and duplicate it using the secondary button on your brush controller 4. Switch to the Repaint tool and make sure "Rebrush" is turned on 5. Choose a new brush "Brush B" 6. Rebrush the duplicate stroke 7. Switch to the Selection Tool 8. Select the rebrushed stroke and try and move it. Is the bug that at step 8 - you can't move it or that you can't even select it?
ZandyOP3y ago
yes thats it. I cant move it in step 8 you can select and as far as I remember I had to undo because the erase wouldnt work either
andybak3y ago
ok. if you can remember which brushes you used or if there's anything else you did different to the steps above - update this post. I'll keep my eye out for it happening again to me
ZandyOP3y ago
ok I'll do the same. It was mylar and waveform experimental but the same would happen when rebrushing with reg brushes but that was after just rebrushing with waveform
andybak3y ago
hmmmm. let me try using waveform a bit
ZandyOP3y ago
andybak3y ago
There's 3 experimental waveform brushes. Can you remember if it was Tube, Particles or FFT?
ZandyOP3y ago
andybak3y ago
Hmmm. Still works ok if i use mylar/FFT
ZandyOP3y ago
weird. I'll try again today and see if I can get it to glitch again. If so I'll write the steps but the bug is def there Found it @andybak ! It happens when you rebrush a second time! Have it on vid. Sending a link via DM. Vid size is too big for discord. Its not Also note that All items selected after the bug is generated can not be moved. Not just the copied rebrush. If you need me to double check something, I'm good til 12:00 EST today.
andybak3y ago
Brilliant! Thanks. I'll get on this.
ZandyOP3y ago
Not sure if the mirror has anything to do with it as well if it happens with other brush types so it'd have to be tested. ok got another problem now. When I reopened the same sketch, I can no longer duplicate or select and the trigger to paint is completely stuck. It's a continuous flow of paint. Do you want the tilt file? I closed and reopened open brush 2X same thing happens @andybak
andybak3y ago
yeah - send it over
ZandyOP3y ago
ok Don't know whats going on now. Cant use prerelease experimental anymore..... not working for me

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