🎶 Moonlink.js - Imagine a Music Application


🎶 Moonlink.js - Imagine a Music Application

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Musica não toca mais

Alguns dias atrás percebi que o play parou de funcionar, então resolvi tentar atualizar o moonlink, porem percebi q agora precisava de um lavalink versão 4.0.0, então resolvi criar um server lavalink privado com o 4.0.0-beta.2 e o arquivo application.yml utilizado o desse site de exemplo https://github.com/lavalink-devs/Lavalink/blob/master/LavalinkServer/application.yml.example. Ao ligar o bot usando esse server lavalink isso aparece: [ @Moonlink/Node ]: starting server connection process [ @Moonlink ]: Dear programmer, from new versions of moonlink.js it will only support versions above (4.0.0) please upgrade lavalink...

Connecting through docker compose

I can't connect to the node for some reason, do you know why? ```yml version: '3.8' ...

res.tracks[0] is *null*

Hello, I am encountering this issue right now: If i search a song using the title and author, i get an array of tracks from my search result. However if I search something using a spotify track link, I get loadType "track" and res.tracks[0] is null...

Help with some code

So.. when i use client.moon.search(query) and use a url like a youtube url or smth, i get
res.data.map is not a function
res.data.map is not a function
but when i type the title i dont get the error? i dont understand.....

queue.size() is not a function

Using this code here (the player passed in is valid): ```javascript const tracks = player.queue; //if there are no other tracks, information if (!tracks.size())...

Error Search music

C:\Users\geren\OneDriveÁrea de Trabalho\hugodoss\botdemusic\node_modules\moonlink.js\dist\src@Moonlink\MoonlinkManager.js:139 throw new Error("[ @Moonlink/Manager ]: the search option has to be in string format or in an array"); ^ Error: [ @Moonlink/Manager ]: the search option has to be in string format or in an array...

Lavalink server is not connecting properly

Code: ```javascript var { MoonlinkManager } = require("moonlink.js"),...

Is it possible to modify the player?

I'm looking to add my own custom function for the player.play(); function and was wondering it was possible to pass it as an option, or would I have to edit the code directly to include this change? If you're confused, a notable example would be as follows, this is current the Shoukaku Lavalink Wrapper which does allow you to pass in your own Rest Client or Player. This question would also apply to the Rest Client, since the current port of my bot loads information from Spotify instead of through Lavalink and passes it to the player. ```class SpotifyPlayer extends Player { async playTrack() { // code here...

How to get the actual playing sound ?

Hey, I just wanted to know how to access to the current playing sound, because Player.current is null

How hard is it to upgrade from erela.js to here?

Hello, how hard is it to upgrade from erela.js to here? Since erela.js is not being mantained anymor

Erro apos update

Faz tempo que eu não fazia npm update no modulo, e agora esse erro me aparece ao rodar o bot: client.moon.updateVoiceState(data); ^ TypeError: client.moon.updateVoiceState is not a function...

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'guildId')

Hello. Im getting the TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'guildId') error but i cant get why. I have 3 buttons and the 1st and the 2nd button works fine but the 3th not and im confused because i used the client.moon.players.get() exactly like i did at the 1st and the 2nd button. this is how i used to get the player: ```js const player = client.moon.players.get(guild_id);...

coisa rapida

com o Queue.All consigo acessar as informações das musicas que ainda estao na fila , porem não da pra acessar com ela as informaçoes da musica que ja esta sendo tocada, como posso acessar isso?

Pequenos problemas

Bom, eu queria usar o evento EndTrack para desconectar o bot do chat de voz após acabar todas as musicas, sabe como é, deixar ele sozinho la pela eternidade nao é muito legal, ai tentei usar o Player.Disconnect e ate o Player.Destroy, porem retornou erro, ai pensei q podia ter feito errado no evento , então decidi testar em comando, ja que consegui fazer comandos tipo o skip e o stop, porem também não funcionou. Provavelmente isso esta acontecendo por alguma bobagem minha, então ja peço desculpa...


Tem como eu fazer o bot procurar música em uma só plataforma?


Onde coloco o token/id do spotify?