🎶 Moonlink.js - Imagine a Music Application


🎶 Moonlink.js - Imagine a Music Application

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check server status and change server

my idea is to add 10 lavalink servers and each one can have max 100 bots on it how can i make the code check if the server is at 100 bot or not and if it is how can the bot disconnect and re connect to another one...

song uri

if ${track.title} is the title what is the url i tried ${track.uri} and been searching the docs

Failed to fetch data

Error: [ @Moonlink/Database ]: Failed to fetch data at MoonlinkDatabase.fetch (/home/container/node_modules/moonlink.js/dist/src/@Rest/MoonlinkDatabase.js:94:23) at MoonlinkDatabase.get (/home/container/node_modules/moonlink.js/dist/src/@Rest/MoonlinkDatabase.js:26:14) at new MoonlinkPlayer (/home/container/node_modules/moonlink.js/dist/src/@Moonlink/MoonlinkPlayers.js:68:44) at get (/home/container/node_modules/moonlink.js/dist/src/@Moonlink/MoonlinkManager.js:360:20)...

how i can get the requester

how i can get the requester when track start


Is there is a way to find out how many milliseconds are left for the current song?


Hi everyone, I’m currently trying to understand the documentation and implement a filter command. However, I’m finding it quite challenging and could use some help. I’ve tried searching for posts about it but haven’t found anything useful yet. I’m not very familiar with how filters work and other related concepts. Any assistance or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!...


When I run more than one bot the audio is lagging what are the possibilities for this problem and how to solve it?

Bot disconnects

When the bot plays it music (for me its a radio station) and when I disconnect the bot throughout discord itself "Disconnect <botname>" the bot doesn't re-connect, also doesn't re-connect when re-entering the command. I have to restart the entire discord bot for it. Is there a different way for this?...

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'rest')

I get this error when i try to search for a song, heres hows my code is laid out: ```js // custom client for discord.js v14 class CustomClient extends Client {...

Change default music search

Is it possible to switch from YouTube default to Soundcloud? I am new to Lavalink so unsure if Lavalink server is the one I should be asking


How can I stop the song without making the bot leave the voice channel?


when i add playlist to queue and restart the bot queue data not resitng

Playing local files

Was wondering how to play local files?

'trackEnd' Listener never being called

I have the trackEnd listener intialized like so: client.moon.on('trackEnd', async(player, track) => { console.log("TRACK ENDED"); }); But I never see "TRACK ENDED" being printed to the console, my 'trackStart' works, just not the trackEnd listener....

Type declaration not working correctly

Hey, I'm using TypeScript and when trying to import anything from moonlink I get the following error ``` Could not find a declaration file for module 'moonlink.js'. 'node_modules/moonlink.js/dist/index.mjs' implicitly has an 'any' type. There are types at 'node_modules/moonlink.js/dist/index.d.ts', but this result could not be resolved when respecting package.json "exports". The 'moonlink.js' library may need to update its package.json or typings. ts(7016)...

`<Player>.connect()` doesnt connect

Just trying to setup moonlink in my bot, made a quick command but it seems player.connect(...) doesn't connect or throw any errors? Code: ```ts import { ApplicationCommandOptionType, type CommandInteraction, type GuildMember } from "discord.js"; import { Discord, Slash, SlashOption } from "discordx";...

Musica não toca mais

Alguns dias atrás percebi que o play parou de funcionar, então resolvi tentar atualizar o moonlink, porem percebi q agora precisava de um lavalink versão 4.0.0, então resolvi criar um server lavalink privado com o 4.0.0-beta.2 e o arquivo application.yml utilizado o desse site de exemplo https://github.com/lavalink-devs/Lavalink/blob/master/LavalinkServer/application.yml.example. Ao ligar o bot usando esse server lavalink isso aparece: [ @Moonlink/Node ]: starting server connection process [ @Moonlink ]: Dear programmer, from new versions of moonlink.js it will only support versions above (4.0.0) please upgrade lavalink...