


Open Source Community by Novu




Subscriber missing recipient details

Hey can someone please help me, getting this error, here's what's my code looks like ``` await novu.trigger("event_name" { to: {...

How to create subscriber using LDAP and Zuora

we use LDAP and Zuora for user management may I know what would be the best approach to create subscribers for each user and how we can maintain them on Novu? by @Nish...

Any documentation for invite members functionality?

Can one organisation can have only one admin ? how can more users be added for already created organisation ? what is invite members functionality ? @Support...

Enable SSL

How can i configure SSL for all aaps? can you please guide me?...

Purge old data

Is there a mechanism to purge or archive old data? Some companies have policies to archive old data after certain number of years so just wanted to check if Novu has a process to take care of it.

Request entity too large error

Hey guys! Have some problems with self-hosted novu. While trying to lode up a email html template got {"statusCode":413,"message":"request entity too large"} The template weights 106kbs...

Any alternative way to add a team member on self hosted versions?

as emails can't be sent at the moment, I am curious if there is an alternative means to add a team member, a link perhaps?

Migrate data from 0.9.0 -> latest

Hello, so I have a server running a fork of novu: This branch is 5 commits ahead, 6465 commits behind novuhq:next. I have to install novu using the latest images and basically kill the fork but I have to migrate the database. I think the fork is at 0.9.0. Now what's the best approach to upgrade to latest? I figured I just set up 0.9.0 again, then migrate the data and then just take one 0.x.0 version at a time?...

webhook url for sendgrid

Hey all, I'm looking to receive and record email (sendgrid) sent, open, and click events in my app. Typically I'd register a webhook in sendgrid to do this. But since emails are triggered through Novu now, how would I go about implementing this? by @pxue ref:-

How to move Nove to another VPS without losing data?

Hello, if I'd like to transfer novu on another VPS, how would I keep my data? Do I have to just transfer the docker volumes?

Flutter example

This is a followup from last time, the thread is locked, so i have to ask again. Whats the plan for flutter client?

Not able to run pnpm setup project

when i tried to run setup:project getting below error getting Not Found with response code 404 while i was installing "application-generic" version "0.16.4"...

Search bar in workflows and subscribers tabs

Hey, everybody! At the moment our instance has 20 pages in the workflows section and about 2000 users in the subscribers section, it is not convenient to search for them in the interface. Is there any search bar or plans to add it? ...

I am trying to deploy webhook in self hosted novu

Why have you mentioned redis configuration for prod environment for webhook? webhook component uses redis ?? @Support...

Resetting account

Hello, I want to reset my account or delete it (to recreate another). Thanks

Error when testing trigger: Subscriber does not have an active integration

Hello when I test my trigger it return this error (only in push): Subscriber does not have an active integration what does it means ? The service worker is setup and device token too

Variable settings in mail template not updating

Hi! I am building a new email flow and am using a couple of variables in the content. I have noticed that the settings for variables (defaultValue, isRequired) are set back to the novu defaults whenever I update, so it seems like there is no way to save them with the settings I want.

Handlebars helpers

Hey! Is it possible to register a custom handlebars helper to use in the workflow?...

Slow down in performance / Redis / self host

Hey, we've got a staging and production setup of Novu running on AWS ECS. When we've tested and tweaked things in the staging environment, we simply push the docker image to production and get it up and running there. But, here's the thing: lately, we've noticed that the production instance (which isn't heavily used right now) tends to slow down over time. Certain endpoints like feed and markAs take up to 40 seconds to complete, even for users with less than ten notifications. However, we stumbled upon something interesting today. We found that if we restart our Redis instance (which we don't normally do during deployments), Novu instantly becomes more responsive....