Selfhosted & Nginx Configuartion Support

First time here. Just setup our selfhosted novu version and used nginx for reverse proxying. Able to access the webapp but the signup account activity is not working and throwsup error "431: Request Header Fields Too Large" Wondering if this is due to incorrect nginx configurations or something else. Is there any reference where i can check the env and nginx configuration ?
4 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2y ago
Hi @techguruagi I feel this can be an issue with the nginx configurations
techguruagiOP2y ago
@Pawan Jain Thanks for the prompt response. Is there any reference document available for the env and nginx conf ?. Thanks in advance
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2y ago
Unfortunately No, we officially don't support Nginx in self host I found a community member answer It might help you
harrisyn2y ago
@techguruagi I have my setup running behind nginx. a few conversations have referenced this as well.

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