


Open Source Community by Novu




Expo Push Notification does not work with big payloads

Hi there, I was trying to configure a Push Notification through Expo Push Integration. I believe, Novu sends the entire payload object to the FCM even when it's simply supposed to send a trivial notification because with larger payloads the app never receives the notifications. As soon as the payload size is reduced the notifications start flowing flawlessly. Novu Activity Logs show successful execution status in each case. Any help would be appreciated 🙌...

How to prevent HMAC replay in Websockets

Hi there. I'm currently looking into novu and tried to find out more details on how authentication works. I was able to some information on HMAC in the documentation: As far as I understand one would use a backend service that is able to check the authentication status of a user to generate an HMAC which uses an API key from novu as a secret. As far as I understand this HMAC would be static for any given subscriber id as long as the API key is not being rotated. I don't really understand the benefits of using HMAC in this scenario, other than making it harder (/impossible) to guess the credentials which would also be the case e.g. using uuid subscriber ids. If someone is able to access the subscriber id and HMAC he will be able to connect. ...

NovuProvider not working in GCP

I am using novuprovider and a custom notification panel its working good in dev env, https, http, when i build it with docker and run locally but when it runs on the Google Cloud Run it dosent work and keeps loading...
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Can a variant condition read the digest step variables?

can I have an email variant step, which is used if the condition is step.total_count greater than 2 or step.digest Equal true? I tried setting it up, but nothing happened, maybe I need to use {{ }}? Or maybe those values are not accessible by the variant check?...

Push Webhooks

Hi, I am working on setting up webhooks with Novu notification and I need some help with how the Push Webhook providers work. From my current understanding it seems that I would need to create a webhook provider per user that would like to have webhooks on Novu, this doesn't seem to be a solution that scales very well and the documentation doesn't provide enough information on this. I am also having trouble understanding how a workflow differentiates which webhook provider is being called. Is this done through the x-novu-signature ? Would it be possible to get some clarity on this please? 🙂...

Workflows: Dynamically provide custom email template

Hi there! I want to build a workflow where I digest a few events and then send out an email with a list of those. I use Brevo (Sendinblue) to send these emails. I would like to either create the email templates 1. using Brevo ( 2. or generate them by myself by feeding react-email/vue-email (which renders to html) with the events data and then send this email....

Can Digest modify payload?

I have an email workflow which contains a digest. This workflow is used to send emails of content changes in our app. An example would be: ``` Hello [User1], [John Doe] has added you to [User Group 1]!...

How can i change logger in novu ?

I want to use winston logger instead of pinoLogger used by Novu is this a complex task to do ?...


It appears to me that sdk for rust is not under active development. Are there any plans to revive that project?

Internal Server Error - Integration Store - SendGrid

I am getting an error when trying to configure my API token from SendGrid to Novu. We have tried new tokens and it still will not configure. This is the code we are getting:
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Continuous loading screen for InApp notification center

I am trying to implement the InApp notification component into my Nextjs application. After following the documentation, I am left with a continuous loading animation within the component as seen below. I have also attached the code snippet that was copied from the workflow itself. It is posted below as well. Does anybody have any idea what I might be doing wrong?
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Why image on my email html blocked on outlook?

The email works perfectly fine in gmail but when it send out to outlook the image src changes to blockedimagesrc any idea how to resolve this issue?
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No notifications from topic

I have some problem User doesnt get in-app notifications, when i sent it via topic. I saw action in activity feed on novu dashboard (1st screenshot), but i dont get it in react app(2nd screenshot) @Emil...
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Date Range filtering for In-App notifications

Is there is way to filter the incoming notification in the in-App setup by date range? For example if provided with a date range, then only fetch paginated notifications for that date range. I could not find anything in the documentation or in the code. Let me know if I need to raise this as an issue on Github!...

The Gupshup integration always failed with Unexpected provider error.

We have a enterprise account and we follow the all step as per the documentation, still always getting the Unexpected provider error, I have verify the userName and password directly with gupshup APIs, and able to send the SMS. NOTE : Using a same template that was already approved by DLT....
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Mongo/Mongoose Error in "npm run start:api:dev"

[Nest] 17180 - 01/22/2024, 6:16:01 PM ERROR [ExceptionHandler] connect ECONNREFUSED MongooseServerSelectionError: connect ECONNREFUSED at _handleConnectionErrors (/home/sid/code/novu/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/mongoose/lib/connection.js:805:11) at NativeConnection.openUri (/home/sid/code/novu/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/mongoose/lib/connection.js:780:11)...
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How to validate the required arguments for a trigger

@CrimsonKobalt wrote: Hi all, when working with the backend API, I've noticed that triggering a workflow requires its name (or is it more correct to say, the name of its trigger?), but the other possible operations require its (mongoDB) id. However as far as I can see, this id is not visible anywhere in the tool. Is the only solution here fetching all workflows and looking for the id manually (at least once, and save it after)? ...

Documentation sending email with attachment in C#/.NET with Custom SMPT

Hi, i working on .net for create API that send an email with the attachment, but its not working. im looking for documentation or guidance to work with it. Thank you

APNs ignoring overrides

Hey all! I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I figured I'd give it a shot. I'm currently using the APNs provider to send notifications to iOS devices. I've been testing it on my own device and it doesn't seem to be accepting overrides? I initially tried to set it up so it would use a sound that I provided. The sound worked when using the Apple Push Notification Console, but not when providing it through Novu....

Localize Date Strings with {{dateformat}}

Hi again 🙂 As a part of my teams localization effort, we were hoping to be able to use the {{dateformat}} handlebar and pass in the subscriber locale to it in order to get the proper date format (ex MM/dd/yyyy vs dd/MM/yyyy in some countries). The docs help bot seemed to imply this was supported but looking at the handlerbar implementation, it seems locale information is not currently passed to date-fns. Is this accurate? Is there a way to accomplish what I am hoping? Thank you in advance!...