


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Need help in logic of ->afterStateUpdated()

I'm trying to update the net proceeds when the $state has change, it adds up a lot of value and I don't know where does it come from . Let's say the existing value of net proceed is 22,944 and current interest value is 306 . When I change the interest value into 307 it adds for about 251 ``` ->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, $set, $get) { $set('insurance', $state); ...
If the field reactivity is working, the issue is likely with the calculation you’re performing

Conditionally add and update relations

Currently I got this situation. A user can have only 1 shipping address and only 1 billing address. In Filament's admin panel's user form, admin can change user's info. However I want to set restrictions, so that admin cant give a user >1 address of type shipping, and cant give a user >1 address of type billing. That also implies that when the user already got 1 billing address, the admin can't change that user's shipping address to type=billing....
Create a policy according to the laravel docs then handle the conditions in each method based on your apps authorization. Filament defaults to Laravel’s policies to handle model authorization.

single record edit

Going off this tutorial: I have a working form on my FilamentPage. However the related select field doesn't populate. This all works great in the actual admin Resource. But not on the other side where a user logs in to edit one record....

ListRecord, getTab with badge count with filter

Hi. My ticket resource let's the user filter the table. How can I get the filters of the table from the getTabs in ListRecord to count filtered records with a certain status? Thanks...

Filament Modal

I have a custom page contain button on click on that button i want modal to open i tried to use emit but it doesnt work my blade code ``` <x-filament-panels::page>...

I want to generate dynamic ExportColumn!

Is there anyway to access $record inside getColumns(), in my case, I want to generate dynamic ExportColumn! i.e., if I have a JSON field, I want to break it down to multiple columns while exporting.

Repeater Relationship New Entry doesn't show until refresh

Hey, I am using a Repeater linked with a relationship within a UserResource, when adding a new entry to the repeater and saving, the new entry doesn't show until I refresh the page manually. Is there anyway to have it show without refreshing?...

Data too long for column for "string"

I already understand that the error is because a string that is too long was entered and that it can be solved, for example, by adding "->maxLength(255)". However, my question is, shouldn't the maximum be 255 by default? 🤔...
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Back to default within method

Hi, If I have the following code: Forms\Components\FileUpload::make('image')...

FileUpload for Cloudflare Images

Hi, I have a Forms\Components\FileUpload, and when editing, I want to show an image in a URL (not in the disk), something like: `Forms\Components\FileUpload::make('image')...

Adding a repeater to the record view page. Is it possible?

I want to add relationship form in view page. I want to add new records of contract realization with multiple entry. I cannot do it by modal becouse with it i'll create just one record. Is such thing is possible? Or somehow adding a repeater to the modal that will create several elements in a relationship?...
i've change the save to database action with action "using"

Custom card component in a form

Hey folks, I'm trying to create the design from the attached image, more or less. I want to add cards like in the picture to a form. The cards need to be selectable, and I want to have a small play button where users can preview the selection (it's audio), and once happy with it, click on the card and have it be selected....
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Sub-navigation hidden on mobile - how to display it instead?

The Sub-Navigation is now visible on mobile. It is because the navigation element has classes "hidden md:flex" , it is hardcoded in vendor/filament/filament/resources/views/components/page/sub-navigation/tabs.blade.php Is it possible to override this?...
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How to modify global search

Hi i would like to modify global search i want when user type something i take user input call mine class and then return the user input. Is this possible. On this discord question i said why i need these.

How to trigger a click event on 'next' button click in Wizard Step form.

I am using Action on table. Inside the Action I am using Wizard Steps. In my first Step using a Livewire component to create table like form. Now by default I have 'Next' in Step 1 to goto in Step 2. I would like to trigger a click event on click of this button Next button. Any idea please help. ```...
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Filepond Translations Issue

Hi, is there a way to translate filepond.js validation messages?
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Problem when saving a record in a form that contains a table (custom filament Livewire component)

Morning 👋🏽 I have the following case. Case...
Ok I fixed the problem like this: - I created a view page for the resource. - The custom filament component (the table view) is only visible in the view page - During edition I have the component hidden -> this makes the form to be stored again....

colorpicker default value set

How to set default value of colorpicker in form?

Format currency

How do you format a field, so that it displays in the format of a currency?
Thank you

Filament Multi-Select Not Loading Default Values from Third Table (Not Pivot Table)

Hi all, I'm facing an issue with Filament in Laravel where a multi-select field isn't loading its default values in the edit form. My setup involves saving selected values in a third table, which isn't a traditional pivot table but rather an additional table (CarUsageRecord) related to a Task model. The Problem ...