Unable to find component: [filament.livewire.database-notifications]
Hi everyone,
I'm encountering an issue with Filament Admin in my Laravel project. When I leave an active Filament page open and return to it after some time (e.g., 15–30 minutes), I see the following error: Unable to find component: [filament.livewire.database-notifications]
2 replies
text to speech not working on chrome,safari and opera browser.it'sonly working on firefox
my code
Livewire.on('display-sound', (response) => {
if ( 'speechSynthesis' in window ) {
const to_speak = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance('Hello world!');
} else {
alert('not supported');
2 replies
use a single browser, log in to our application as Tenant A, and open another tab for Tenant B
In our saas web app, If I use a single browser, log in to our application as Tenant A, open another tab, and log in as Tenant B - it shows a 403 error. so that sessions can co-exist between concurrent logged-in users using the same browser on the same machine?
We use Filament 3 with Laravel 10. Is there any way around it?
3 replies
Update specific column data of each row of another table when reordering the rows of category
Hello guys,
I want to run static "changeSort" when reordering the rows
fn (Action $action, bool $isReordering) => $action
->label($isReordering ? ('text.Disable reordering') : ('text.Enable reordering')),
public static function changeSort(){
5 replies
Translate is not working on only NavigationItem in AdminpanelProvider
->navigationItems( [
NavigationItem::make('Booking List')
->label( ('sidebar.Booking List') )
->url( fn (): string => Dashboard::getUrl().'/bookings/listing' )
->icon( 'heroicon-o-presentation-chart-line' )
->activeIcon( 'heroicon-s-presentation-chart-line' )
->isActiveWhen( fn (): bool => Str::contains( url()->current(), 'bookings/listing' ) )
->group( ('sidebar.Booking') )
->sort( 3 )
->visible(fn(): bool => Auth::user()?->can('Booking Read')),
how to fix this issue?I used language switcher plugin
7 replies
I used a checkbox in the filter and it has default true.
Hi everyone, I used a checkbox in the filter and it has default true. but I want to disable or hide it so the user cannot uncheck it. I am using filament v3
->query(function ($query) use ($selectedLocation) {
if ($selectedLocation) {
return $query->where('locations_id', $selectedLocation);
return $query;
6 replies