


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Notification not being send by reverb`

Hey so i have do it as follow composer require filament/notifications:"^3.2" -W php artisan filament:install --notifications To send my notification i do it like this ``` Notification::make()...

It's possible change the "default title" for all tabs?

Currently filament show the (of the tab) title using this code in layout/base.blade.php: ``` @php $title = trim(strip_tags(($livewire ?? null)?->getTitle() ?? ''));...

cant change lang of filamentphp v3

hi i tried to change language to spanish but its not working, i changed locale in app.php, also published all filament translations even clear cache but i still see my app in english. what im missing? config/app.php 'locale' => env('APP_LOCALE', 'es'), ...

Adding a Default Action Modal Button Next to a Column in Filament Table

I would like to add an "Edit" button next to a column in a Filament table and open the default action modal when the button is clicked. My goal is to place the button directly next to a TextColumn. How can I achieve this while using Filament's default action modal for each record in the table?
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make tab full width?

hi i have a form that have tabs, how i can make it full width all windows? thank you ```Tabs::make('Tabs') ->tabs([ Tabs\Tab::make('Tab 1')...
not sure if this what you're looking for, but try

Can we change the titles of these columns in the table?

Can we change the titles of these columns in the table? I want to change the position of the column headings....
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Creating a widget returns an error.

I have a widget on my panel and it was working fine. I have bumped composer dependencies, run the upgrade command and cleared views, but I now get an error;
Unable to find component: [app.filament.widgets.stats-overview]
Unable to find component: [app.filament.widgets.stats-overview]
I was using getHeaderWidgets in the dashboard page. I have removed this and setup the widgets in the Panel configuration now and they work correctly.

Table Actions and making variables more efficient

Interested in any opinions on how people avoid repeating code for issues where a table action, and elements of that are dependent on the status of $record For example, if: ```Action::make('test')...

Edit when dependent drop down shows all values.

On edit when i change the product name the values in drop down has all values irrespective of manufacture until i change manufacture.How to sort this `if ($name === AllAttrib::ATTR_NAME_MANUFACTURER) { $component = Select::make("itemAttrib.$attribId.value") ->label(__($name)) ->options($taskAttrib['value'] ?? [])...

disableOptionsWhenSelectedInSiblingRepeaterItems fails with multi-select

I have a repeater with a multi-select field, I don't want the same answers to be inputted in different repeater rows. But the method ->disableOptionsWhenSelectedInSiblingRepeaterItems() doesn't seem to work with multi-select. If I remove ->multiple() it works as it should. Am I doing something wrong? ```php Repeater::make('second.questions') ->hiddenLabel()...
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Prefix before icon in tables

Hello, Is it possible to display a prefix before the icon of a table cell? ```php...
Maybe a custom view column?
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Is it possible to make the KeyValue field to make the key auto incrementing? (when it's disabled)

php artisan make:filament-user bug

I want to create an account via the terminal by running the php artisan command make:filament-user. but when I try to log in, I can't. but after I changed the password via the database using bcrypt manually

HasManyThrough for select field

Hello, Select field is not compatible with HasManyThrough ? Any way to make it work? i have ```php...

Get chosen files on FileUpload (multiple) after state updated.

Hi guys. I want to get the chosen files to be uploaded (temporary files) after state updated. It actually works on single file upload but when it comes to multiple, it didn't work out. Can you help me solve this? Thanks in advance. FileUpload::make('file') ->label('Documents:') ->validationAttribute('documents') ->acceptedFileTypes(['application/pdf']) ->required()...

Repeater get data from form

I'm new to filament and I want to be able to access the data from the form in the repeater. I have a select in my schema and a repeater. I want to use the data in my select and use it in a query for my repeater. I feel like the answer is very simple but I have been stuck for a while This is my form: public static function form(Form $form): Form {...

Error after composer update

After running composer update, I'm getting this error message. Update FilamentPHP from v3.2.110 to v3.2.115. Am I doing something wrong? How can I fix this? Laravel Version: 11.26.0 PHP Version: 8.3.10 Filament: v3.2.115...
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How do I do Print in Bulkaction?

For certain columns of my selected records, I need to take a print action with a note on each page, but how can I do it?

How to disabled select in form

i have this code Select::make('status') ->label('Status') ->required() ->options(collect(InvitationStatus::getValues())...
Using ->dehydrated() at the end ensures the field is included in form submission even when disabled

Unable to put 2 Livewire Components inside a form

Hello, i am trying to make a form and put a table inside the form so that when the user selects an option the table will update to show the related data. I have 2 Livewire Components with filament table builder inside it. When i use the both table at the same time one table always disappears. But works fine if one table is commented out.
I was dumb. I didn't define the key
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