How to use a custom path with spatie media library plugin?
Anyone who has found how to use a custom directory structure with SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload in a filament form? As stated in the filament manual, the directory() option doesn't work with SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload.
I want to use this to create a directory structure per year and month for my attachments. So for example, instead of 'public/1/abc.jpg', it would be 'public/202411/1/abc.jpg'
In spatie media library there's an option to use a path generator as described here:
But I can't get this to work inside the filament plugin because the path generator functionality seems to be missing from the plugin. Any ideas?
Using a custom directory structure | laravel-medialibrary
9 Replies
I assume 202411 is Ym ?
Spatie has a per-model path generator AFAIK. In the config there's the following section
I haven't used it but I assume you can define a custom path generator based on the related model that the media is linked to.
Personally, I'm using a custom media model (extends the default Spatie media model) and added my own way to override the generated path
So in the above example, if your
Model is linked to a user, you would have something like
As I said, I haven't tried it but it should work.@toeknee Yes, it is Ym.
@ChesterS Thanks for sharing this, but after installing filament/spatie-laravel-media-library-plugin there is not even a config file for the media-library. So I guess this plugin simply does not have all functionality of the complete spatie media library. I also tried to override the Media model and use a getPath function like this:
public function getPath(string $conversionName = ''): string
// Define path structure, for instance: 'images/YYYYmm/media_id'
Log::info('Media getPath() called');
return 'images/' . now()->format('Y') . now()->format('m') . '/' . $this->getKey() . '/';
But my log message never appears in the log, so I gues that's also not an option.The config is part of
, not the plugin. You can publish it with
You need that to override the path generator or use a custom model
@ChesterS Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! It works now! After publishing the config, I tested with a custom generator per model and it worked. For my case however I just created one CustomPathGenerator that creates a subfolder per model and per Ym. I made a gist for it:
Custom path generation
Custom path generation. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Cool, it's similar to what I did. Just a tip, you don't have to re-implement every method, you can just extend the base name generator and just override the
methodYes, you're right, thanks 👍