How to use a custom path with spatie media library plugin?

Anyone who has found how to use a custom directory structure with SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload in a filament form? As stated in the filament manual, the directory() option doesn't work with SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload. I want to use this to create a directory structure per year and month for my attachments. So for example, instead of 'public/1/abc.jpg', it would be 'public/202411/1/abc.jpg' In spatie media library there's an option to use a path generator as described here: But I can't get this to work inside the filament plugin because the path generator functionality seems to be missing from the plugin. Any ideas?
9 Replies
toeknee3mo ago
I assume 202411 is Ym ?
ChesterS3mo ago
Spatie has a per-model path generator AFAIK. In the config there's the following section
'custom_path_generators' => [
// Model::class => PathGenerator::class
// or
// 'model_morph_alias' => PathGenerator::class
'custom_path_generators' => [
// Model::class => PathGenerator::class
// or
// 'model_morph_alias' => PathGenerator::class
I haven't used it but I assume you can define a custom path generator based on the related model that the media is linked to. Personally, I'm using a custom media model (extends the default Spatie media model) and added my own way to override the generated path So in the above example, if your Media Model is linked to a user, you would have something like
'custom_path_generators' => [
User::class => UserMediaPathGenerator::class
'custom_path_generators' => [
User::class => UserMediaPathGenerator::class
As I said, I haven't tried it but it should work.
Emmanuel71OP3mo ago
@toeknee Yes, it is Ym. @ChesterS Thanks for sharing this, but after installing filament/spatie-laravel-media-library-plugin there is not even a config file for the media-library. So I guess this plugin simply does not have all functionality of the complete spatie media library. I also tried to override the Media model and use a getPath function like this: public function getPath(string $conversionName = ''): string { // Define path structure, for instance: 'images/YYYYmm/media_id' Log::info('Media getPath() called'); return 'images/' . now()->format('Y') . now()->format('m') . '/' . $this->getKey() . '/'; } But my log message never appears in the log, so I gues that's also not an option.
ChesterS3mo ago
The config is part of spatie-media-library, not the plugin. You can publish it with
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider" --tag="medialibrary-config"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider" --tag="medialibrary-config"
ChesterS3mo ago
You need that to override the path generator or use a custom model
Emmanuel71OP3mo ago
@ChesterS Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! It works now! After publishing the config, I tested with a custom generator per model and it worked. For my case however I just created one CustomPathGenerator that creates a subfolder per model and per Ym. I made a gist for it:
Custom path generation
Custom path generation. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
ChesterS3mo ago
Cool, it's similar to what I did. Just a tip, you don't have to re-implement every method, you can just extend the base name generator and just override the getPath() method
Emmanuel71OP3mo ago
Yes, you're right, thanks 👍

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