


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Refresh Form Data in Modal

Hello - I have a form in a modal. I fill the form data initially using ->fillForm(). I have an action within in the form where the user can create a new model. Is there a way to call ->fillForm() again after the user submits the action form? I want to fill the form with fresh data.

CheckboxList ->in() validation not working

Hey, Using what's on the docs I have the following code with different values: ```php CheckboxList::make('technologies')...

Expandable Rows

Hi i want to ask, is there any chance in filament, we can do expandable rows. it's not like collapsable . means like, in table filament, have button to expand row, when user click expand, the details in expand row also another table. i dont find any solution here.

How to test the form of a relation manager?

I want to verifiy if one select field of my relation manager has the correct options, however I don't know how I can make this assertion. I've tried: ``` livewire(RelationManager::class, ['ownerRecord' => $record, 'pageClass' => '']) ->assertFormFieldExists(...

Filter form loading time

Dear all, in resource table i have filter as a custom form, when opening form filter it's have a few seconds to load options, when using standard Select filter the response to load options is minimal ..., anybody know woh to fix or increase performance of form filter ? (I need to use form filter with reason of dependacy injection of next filter form fields) See code bellow: ```public static function getTableFilters():array { return [ //this working fine Tables\Filters\SelectFilter::make('customer_id')...

Repeater hide the input on second item

How to hide the Repeater Radio button the second item of repeater? ``` Forms\Components\Repeater::make('eventDates') ->label('Event dates')...

Reuse Filament Login and Registration Form outside the panel

Hello Guys, Could you give me tips how can I replace the Breeze login and registration form with the filament ones? Can I point out the filament registration page in my routes/auth J ``` ......

Override plugin's Javascript files without publishing?

Hello everyone 👋🏻 I'm using some plugins, and I would like to make some modifications on some JS files. I can publish these using filament:assets. The thing is, in the future, if I have to run that again, my modifications will be overwritten....
So, the answer is quite simple: - Put your updated file on your resources folder (/resources/js/custom/customfile.js) - Register the asset with the package name in it in your AppServiceProvider ...

multiple file upload

Hello everyone, I broke my brain over the solution of the problem: I have an unchangeable form that is shown during moderation, I need to add a display of several unchangeable pictures there, which are stored in the directory, where its name is the id of the picture in the database These images are stored in the images table as follows:...

issue when having a form inside a livewire component

I have a livewire component with a filament form. When submit, it fails because of the text inputs. If I remove the text inputs it works as expected. Why? I have another components with forms and text inputs and they working well... Help please! ANy idea?...
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modify apexchart burger menu

hi everyone, i wish to know how to customize the right menu titles of a bar apexchart? thanks
'chart' => [ 'type' => 'bar', 'height' => 287, 'background' => '#ffffff', 'stacked' => true,...
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Spatie Image Mass Assignment Issue

I am using spatie media plugin, and implementing interface and trait in model. But i am getting this error, any resaon for it?
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How can I save data in custom modal?

``` Action::make('customModal') ->label('Custom Modal') ->action(fn ($record, $set) => $set('record', $record)) // Custom action ->modalHeading('Custom Modal Başlığı') ->modalContent(function ($record) {...

Custom form field using flatpickr

I'm currently building a custom date range picker to be used as a table filter. The issue is, I can only select a date range and applied the filter once, after that it seems that the flatpickr isn't reinitialized(?). It just becomes a normal text input. blade file: ```js...
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File Upload Issue

I add validation max size 2M and I try to add 1.9 M file then it shows error like this. The mountedTableActionsData.0.file.ca2ed8ee-98f8-4d33-83d4-e7664c4e9f62 failed to upload....
The image sent is in base64. Try increasing the value of your client_max_body_size in php.ini (and maybe post_max_size too)
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Unique validation for TextInputColumn

How can I use uniqe validation for TextInputColumn on table ? (inline editor in table), also I need ignorerecord for updating

Can we show a table in the tabs inside the modal form?

I want to add a table to the places you see in the picture, a table where only the data of the record I entered will appear in the modal form. and these records should be editable, I tried repeater but the data did not come selected because it was a modal form, so I had a problem....
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How to Automatically Generate Invoice After Payment is created by admin?

Hi all, I'm looking for advice on how to automatically generate an invoice when a partial payment is logged. Ideally, I want the invoice to be generated immediately after the payment is recorded, with the option to preview, print, or download it. Does anyone have experience with setting this up or any recommendations on how to achieve this?...

How To Apply `->imageEditor` on FileUpload v2?

I want the user to be able to use the image editor when uploading an image. But in v2 is not available. What would u do to achieve to let use the image editor? Update to v3? Or is there a way i dont know that this may be achieved in v2? like somehow creating a custom component like v3? but im not sure if that can be done. ```php Forms\Components\SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload::make('title') ->avatar()...

How to change this action button of repeater?

how to change this color since its not very noticeable
```php ->addAction( function (Action $action) { $action->color('success'); },...
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