Export download logs out with other auth guards and tenants

This route:-
Seems to only apply to the main admin panel. If i try to download an export on a tenant domain I get redirected to admin. I've tried adding a manual route like this but no luck. Can anyone help??
Route::domain('{tenant}.'.config('app.enduser_domain'))->group(function() {
Route::get('filament/exports/{export}/download', DownloadExport::class)->name('download.export');
Route::domain('{tenant}.'.config('app.enduser_domain'))->group(function() {
Route::get('filament/exports/{export}/download', DownloadExport::class)->name('download.export');
I've found it, need to override the filament.actions middleware, just added this to the app service provider and it all works perfectly now. ```php Route::middlewareGroup('filament.actions', [ 'web', 'auth:admin,organisation,associate',...
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3 Replies
acroninjaOP4mo ago
Seems to work now by redeclaring the same filament route with the additional auth guards. I think by not specifying the domain it will apply to all.
Route::get('filament/exports/{export}/download', DownloadExport::class)
Route::get('filament/exports/{export}/download', DownloadExport::class)
Edit, this is NOT the solution. whilst it appeared to work - actually it's wrong. Looking at adding some custom middleware to override the filament.actions middleware which specifies web and auth which is the default guard only.
awcodes4mo ago
You shouldn’t need to define a specific route for this. As long as your subdomain is setup correctly in both the panel provider and your nginx config I would expect it all to work as expected. Sorry I don’t have an actual solution for you but my gut says you’re overcomplicating it.
acroninja4mo ago
I've found it, need to override the filament.actions middleware, just added this to the app service provider and it all works perfectly now.
Route::middlewareGroup('filament.actions', [
Route::middlewareGroup('filament.actions', [

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