onSSR allways make my api call
hi, in my application, i create alert message, who must appears on the first loading of a page. I using onSSR() on the default.vue, but when i change the page, it reloading my alert message. I try to using onServerPrefetch, but same result.
What i'm doing wrong? It is the best way for what i want to do ?...
SfRange stuck on IOS
Hello folks,
SfRange component dosen't work on IOS, it's completely stuck.
Any solution?
how i can fetch data using magento API in your vue storefront project
hello guys
i have to fetch magento data using rest API in my vue storefront project...
Woocommerce integration
Hello! I am looking for discussions related Woocommerce integration. How can I find them since there is no tag? Simply searching using the word 'woocommerce' doesn't show all the discussions either.
Separately, is the Woocommerce integration in working condition? I see that the last time the repository was updated was in January
https://github.com/vuestorefront-community/woocommerce ...
https://github.com/vuestorefront-community/woocommerce ...
Dedicated channels
Hello everyone, I am coming back here after a while. I used to see dedicated Discord channels for several ecommerce integrations before. But I don't see any of them now. I have attached a screenshot of what I see. I am particularly interested in Woocommerce and Magento channels. Can someone please help me? Thanks in advance!
How integrations should update to using the new SDK version of VSF?
Hello, I tried the SDK version and it seems really nice, but how integrations should update to it?
- Is there any upgrade guide?
- is it ready to update?
- Every integrations should build their own composables?
- Is there any interface to follow for the SDK methods?...
CORS origin Error
Hello Guys
when I try to fetch data using API i got same CROS origin error on console
can you give some idea how to solve this error...
FetchError: request to /graphql failed, reason: Socket timeout
Can we put our minds together regarding https://github.com/vuestorefront/vue-storefront/issues/6904 please?
Error accessing grand_total at orderGetters.ts
I have problem accessing grand_total at orderGetters.ts,
line 6: export const getGrandTotal = (order: CustomerOrder): number => order?.total?.grand_total?.value ?? 0;
This is the api query called in order page, there is no order.total.grand_total, there is only order.grand_total.
Please advice on this. Thank you....
New Storefront SDK integration + Middleware rewrite from old (Nuxt) v2 composables - getting started
Hello VSF people
I'm starting to explore the new Storefront SDK and Middleware, and will have to reimplement our v2 composable implementation we have and translate it to the new SDK one!
Note i don't need an UI/theme or Storefront UI implementation yet....
How change single product page slider setting ?
On my single product page, there is a product images slider given & there is a Glide slider that is used, currently, it's scrolling horizontal side. I want to scroll it vertically with a mouse wheel scroll. I want to change in slider setting. I tried to check settings but I didn't get it. Please help to check where is Glide slider configure setting is available on the page.
I have attached a screenshot of my page code and marked it with red color to highlight the Glide slider. @rohrig & @skirianov Please check it....
change product gallery
Hello @rohrig
how change product gallery horizontal to verticla
like this https://docs.storefrontui.io/v2/vue/blocks/Gallery.html...
How to change magento 2 admin user and password
I want to know how to change admin password and user in magento 2 . I installed through vue-storefront/cli. Does it have a default admin user and password?
What is the way to do live of vuestorefront Project?
I want to put my Vuestorefront project live, so how to do it? Currently, it's working in localhost.
No request call on page refresh
Currently I'm playing with storefront-nuxt3-boilerplate + custom integration (sdk/api-client).
Is anybody here have a problem with useAsyncData on page refresh? When I go too, for example /category by clicking on header, useAsyncData works perfectly fine and you can see request with proper response in network, BUT when you refresh that page (/category) than there is no request in network, and you can see null response in console.log after the call.
Not sure if that topic is related https://github.com/vuejs/core/issues/5844 ?...
how to fetch related product as per there category
hello guys
how to fetch related product as per there category
i have to fetch categories product in related product section
above of share your look area ...
React as a dependency in Nuxt.js project
Hi, I would like to know why this project has 'react' and 'react-dom' as its dependency. https://github.com/vuestorefront-community/template-odoo/tree/sfui-2-migration
Also why '@erpgap/odoo-sdk-api-client' or '@erpgap/odoo-sdk' package also requires react?...