•Created by Altamash on 4/17/2024 in #🙋|general-help
I want to add GA4 Data layer code in Vue storefront

2 replies
•Created by Altamash on 2/19/2024 in #🙋|general-help
I got this error when i try to register an account

7 replies
•Created by Altamash on 2/7/2024 in #🙋|general-help
I got an error when i try to start my vue storefront project

1 replies
•Created by Altamash on 1/8/2024 in #🙋|general-help
Magneto reset password link is showing instant of Vuestorefront reset password link
When I submit form of Forgotpassword in vuestorefront. Its submit successfully and got mail of ForgetPassword but in that mail there is one link provide for reset password but that is magento2 link, I want Vuestorefront reset password link
4 replies
•Created by Altamash on 1/8/2024 in #🙋|general-help
Product search result query change
In my headless website product are showing in search result when searching with product name only. But I want to change it, I want search product with all product data not only with name.
Backend - Magento2
Frontend - Vuestorefront.
1 replies
•Created by Altamash on 1/6/2024 in #🙋|general-help
ShipStation is not working in VSF1

3 replies
•Created by Altamash on 1/2/2024 in #🙋|general-help
Stripe payment gateway Integration in VSF
We have a Headless website using Magento2 as a backend and Vue Storefront 1 as a Frontend.
We need to integrate below in my Vue Storefront 1 Frontend.
1. Stripe Payment Gateway connection.
2. Stripe Tax Calculation in Frontend.
Currently we are trying to use below stripe module for the integration, but we are open to use any other module or way for the setup
6 replies
•Created by Altamash on 10/23/2023 in #🙋|general-help
How to add Stripe payment gateway with magento2
Hello Guys
I configured stripe payment gateway in magento2 backend, but it is not reflecting in Vue storefornt frontend, please let me know if i am missing something? @rohrig
4 replies
•Created by Altamash on 10/23/2023 in #🙋|general-help
I have to add product size chart in product page

15 replies
•Created by Altamash on 10/23/2023 in #🙋|general-help
I have to enable default store view

9 replies
•Created by Altamash on 10/21/2023 in #🙋|general-help
I have to display tax option in checkout page

4 replies
•Created by Altamash on 10/20/2023 in #🙋|general-help
I want Swatches in size and fit option

4 replies
•Created by Altamash on 10/18/2023 in #🙋|general-help
change sort by and there functionality

9 replies
•Created by Altamash on 10/17/2023 in #🙋|general-help
I have to enable payment method

7 replies
•Created by Altamash on 10/7/2023 in #🙋|general-help
how i can fetch data using magento API in your vue storefront project
hello guys
i have to fetch magento data using rest API in my vue storefront project
2 replies
•Created by Altamash on 10/6/2023 in #🙋|general-help
Magento 2 API
Hello guys
How to create magento 2 rest API in json format
7 replies