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Need help for custom backend integration in vuestorefront using next.js

Can someone please share the example source code that, I have tried but not working based on documentation.

does this have integrations with vendure or any other headless backends?

there are many open source ecom backends, could someone hepl me with or point out what integrations are available? some links do not work for ex

VSF 1 to VSF 2 Migration

Hello, can anybody suggest document/guide about migrating to VSF2 from VSF1 ?

Anyone have tried or build an integration with nopcommerce?

To build an integration do I need an Enterprise Account?

How to work extension api for VSF (magento)

I was added extension on middleware.config.js like: `integrations: { magento: { location: '@vue-storefront/magento-api/server', extensions: (extensions) => [...

Separate Frontend and Middleware

How can I separate Frontend and Middleware in two servers? Like Vuestorefront 1?

[Odoo] Upgrade the integration example to suit the new vsf `nuxt-started` structure and changes

Hi again @Diogo Duarte, Thank you for being responsive, I see that the example project is not actually structured like the vsf nuxt-started project and I am still confusing on how to use the integration on a new template so we don't have to stick to eventually deprecated version....

BUG: [Odoo] Running the Middleware as described by the new Doc

Hello @Diogo Duarte , First I want to thank you for the Odoo integration. I was able to run it via the docker example but it is just an example with no clear how to do it with newer versions and latest docs....

stock_status & only_x_left_in_stock cannot query field ( Magento 2 disabled MSI )

When I installed vuestorefont 2 for magento 2. I recived this error, I was disabled Stock, Inventory modules in magento 2 backend ? How to resolve it ?
No description

How to Remove /default from the URL in Vue Storefront 2 with Magento 2

I am using Vue Storefront 2 with Magento 2. I want to remove /default from the URL (e.g., http://localhost:3000/default) and make it accessible directly via the domain, such as http://localhost:3000. Where should I make the changes in the code files?

Issues with Authentication

According to the docs here:, if we are storing the generated token in a 'vsf-customer' cookie, our Magento API calls should be authorised. This doesn't appear to work though, all the responses from Magento are errors saying we need to be authorised. The only way we can get this to work is if we pass the token in a customHeader, like below:...

[Alokai x SFCC] Token issue regarding SFCC custom endpoint call

Hi experts, We created a custom endpoint on our SFCC instance and everything works fine through postman with the same credentials used in our .env. The issue comes with the customization we brought to Alokai in the SFCC integration to extend it. ...

Write transfer payment method

Hi! I'm form Venezuela and most payment methods aren't legal here. I'm a junior Vue developer, new to Odoo and am using the integration as shown in the demo. I'm having trouble figuring out how to complete payments from the Nuxt app, since it uses adyen web as a checkout. I appreciate greatly any advice! ...

Start a new project with nuxt3

Hi! I would like to start a new project with nuxt3 but in the documentation it says I need access to the repository from you.

[Alokai x SFCC] Account creation extension

Hello gurus ! In an alokai project we have the SFCC integration configured and the OOTB project works well. We want to add some information on Customer creation (like phone, gender,...) during the sdk.unified.registerCustomer() call....

Looking for work as a Full Stack Developer

FULLSTACK & BLOCKCHAIN DEVELOPER Preferred Language(s): Communication: English, Japanese Programming: MERN, Python, Web3, etc...


i have a problrm here that when i run my run my application on production i ignores some classes why, it do that is there any reason here?

Question about this project

Hi, Can we host in public on a vps this project ? I just want make vitrine website (with cart system) no payment provider....

Instalation using cli.

On page there is cli install process. I install it using magento 2 integration. After install i see node "node": "^16.13" This is older version than github page "node": ">=18" ...