How integrations should update to using the new SDK version of VSF?

Hello, I tried the SDK version and it seems really nice, but how integrations should update to it? - Is there any upgrade guide? - is it ready to update? - Every integrations should build their own composables? - Is there any interface to follow for the SDK methods? Thanks!
5 Replies
rohrig•2y ago
Hi @giorgiopogliani 👋 , here are the steps on a high level: 1. implement your integration in the sdk/api-client 2. In whatever framework you choose, add your sdk and implement whatever composables and views you need. As the SDK is framework agnostic and the gap between Nuxt/Vue 2 to 3 is great, there is no straightforward upgrade guide.
giorgiopoglianiOP•2y ago
@rohrig thanks! So, VSF now provides only the "wiring" (core and middleware), while all the methods and composables are implemented by integration, as the integration see fit, right?
rohrig•2y ago
For integrators we also have boilerplates to help you get started if you want to implement a frontend in nuxt or next:
GitHub - vuestorefront/storefront-next13-boilerplate: Vue Storefron...
Vue Storefront Next 13 Boilerplate. Contribute to vuestorefront/storefront-next13-boilerplate development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - vuestorefront/storefront-nuxt3-boilerplate: Nuxt 3 Storefr...
Nuxt 3 Storefront Boilerplate. Contribute to vuestorefront/storefront-nuxt3-boilerplate development by creating an account on GitHub.
giorgiopoglianiOP•2y ago
ah cool, there is a lot of stuff, I'll start from this then, thanks! @rohrig can I consider the SDK stable? What about @vue-storefront/unified-data-model ? is still at version 0.9
rohrig•2y ago
We follow semver so you can make assumptions based on that. Yes, the SDK is considered stable. The unified-data-model is not stable. 😄

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