Create a dedicated workspace for each user
create my first custom image
How to increase size of workspace volume?
set template description ( the name the users see when creating )
Automation for importing the .code-profile inside terraform template
Sync local file into coder workspace
Troubleshooting steps for SCIM
Coder envbuilder container starts logging 401 errors when using "Update" option
Not releasing the memory after Terraform task completed
Persisting container state across workspace restarts
Upgrading AWS EC2 based coder server
Best practice for manipulating workspace on behalf of the user
Does Coder Honor the Devcontainers Spec fully?
file and the logs. And below is the devcontainers.json
file. Any suggestions?
"image": "",
"postCreateCommand": "/bin/bash -i -c .devcontainer/",...Code-Server Multi-user
Question about Docker-Template
Unhealthy network using coder access url
to use my domain to access the coder instance running on my machine.
* I am running coder locally
* I setup a caddy reverse proxy filling the docs
* I have my DNS record pointing at my local machine...NGINX Reverse Proxy Setup
Error in vscode-web module