Community server for, an open-source platform for cloud development environments.


Any way to view the detailed Terraform plan for a workspace update?

I am experiencing weird issues with the AWS terraform provider that I could troubleshoot if I knew what configuration had drifted when I run an update. Right now, I get output like: ``` coder_agent.main: Drift detected (update)...

Authorize coder workspace to access forwarded port urls

I'm working on OIDC between two applications and the user needs to be able to provide App A a url to App B that both App A and the user can use to access App B. The issue is my coder workspace is not authorized to access coder urls, so in order to do this I must make the App B url public. Is there a way to authorize the coder workspace to access the url for App B without making the url public?...

Keycloak OpenID Connect does not work

Hello, I configured Keycloak as my OID Provider. I run Coder in Docker and added these lines to it (Obviously configured): ``` CODER_OIDC_ISSUER_URL: "” CODER_OIDC_CLIENT_ID: "coder-client"...

Subdomain port forwarding on local ssh connection

Hello! I've setup my coder instance and it is working great! One cool feature I'm using a bunch is having coder create a custom subdomain (on * that points to a port running on my environment (an API running on 3000 for example). That works great when I use either the browser text editor or the browser terminal since if I CTRL + Click on the link on the terminal, I get sent to the custom subdomain created for that. But when I connect to my workspace via SSH locally and run a service that exposes a port, I can't get the proxied URL easily since if I click the link, I get sent to my machine's localhost. Is there a way to work around that?...

text file busy

A lot of workspaces encountered this error today. I didn’t see any related solutions in the issue. Can anyone help?
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VS Code Desktop - fails to activate extension

Hi everybody, a colleague and I are setting up coder in GCP. We have a control plane VM and a docker VM that runs the containerized workspaces. All is so far working very well, except for the VS Code Desktop button. When I click this, I get the relevant popup and upon clicking this vscode attempts to connect, but I get an error regarding hostname resolution. I am able to connect to my workspace using the ssh connection from vscode....

Permission in Vscode - Docker template

Hello, I can run sudo mkdir test to create dir, but not without sudo, did I do something wrong?...
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The sh for installing coder does server configuration?

Hi guys, I'm a noob in Coder. I have a VPS that I want to use as a dev environment and I wanna ask if anyone can tell me if the coder installation script does the configuration of the VPS, or I need to hardened it and then run the coder sh. I don't wanna waste time doing server hardening so that the script overrides my configurations. Thank you in advance....

Docker in workspaces and volumes

Hello, I'm running container with Sysbox in Kubernetes based workspaces. I have persisted with Kubernetes PV the workspace /home/coder and /var/lib/docker directory. Developers run container inside their workspace with --rm option (docker run --rm) so while restarting the coder workspace, the nested developers container should be deleted. This working well except for anonymous volumes that are created with the developers container. While i'm restarting the workspace, and checking the /var/lib/docker/volumes the anonymous still there. These lead to full fill the Kubernetes PV. It's look like a problem of gracefull shutdown of the workspace that running docker container. Is anyone as encounter the same problem ?...

Unable to set oidc user as admin

I have disable password authentication, and deployed coder via helm in kubernetes, however on first sign in, I have to create an admin which I cannot use that email to login with oidc cuz password required meanwhile it's disabled How can I create an oidc user as admin? My current workaround, enabled password > login with that random user at the initial setup which is something I don't like......

Create new template

Dear Develops team , I refer from to create new template for my team ( use Docker ). I have question, this guideline doesn't have information about the command line : docker build. So using coder-sever, I don't need to use command line docker build to create Docker image. Sorry that my question is not good. Best Regards, Ben.Ng...

JetBrain Gateway: Failed to retrieve IDEs

i try to connect to my workspaces but get a error when trying so select my IDE. i hope someone can help me. The coder server runs on a public cloud hosting. i have a local installation of phpstorm and use the gateway through JetBrain Toolbox with coder plugin. the connection is fine and i can select my workspace. this workspace is a container that runs a webserver with php, mysql, etc. ...
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Coder port forward giving 404

as the title says im trying to access a port that I opened on code-server (browser) but when I open it I get that 404 page not found. the template is a customized docker container, the reverse proxy I use is traefik. and all this is hosted by myself on my own machine. wildcard is setup, dns is setup (cloudflare), I have tried almost everything. I dont know if im missing something. im using the extension on vscode that is called live server.
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What's the best way to store GitHub PAT for

I have a GitHub repo that I want all workspace to pull on creation. So I created a read only PAT for that repo, and stored in the env where coder service is running (export TF_VAR_GITHUB_TOKEN=). However when I use the `variable "GIT_TOKEN" { type = string description = "GitHub Personal Access Token"...

template ci/cd pipeline enforcement

I was wondering if there is a way to disable the template editor in the ui or making it read only even for owners(although that wouldn't fix them having cli/api access) I am basically looking for a way that can enforce template changes through merge request using ci coder service account with gitlab pipelines....

Error with Github external auth

I've set everything up according to the guide AFAICT but when clicking the button in Settings I get a popup with
{"message":"State mismatched."}
{"message":"State mismatched."}
I have some experience with creating OAuth apps etc but this one is kind of hard to debug....

connect mac mini with coder

I want to connect my mac mini to coder. For this purpose, I am following this template by @bpmct. I am having trouble connecting via SSH to my mac mini. These are my variables in the file and rest is same as in the template in the above link: variable "mac_user" { sensitive = true default = "Admin Account"...
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custom login log question

First off, I do have an enterprise license so I have access to the features. Is there anywhere to save a custom logo for coder login screen in a certain directory(I tried the same directory as the coder binaries but that didn't work ~/.cache/coder/site/bin/ )on the container running coder or use some environment variable. I have only seen the option to use a URL that seems to rendered client side. Is it possible to make the coder container not the client browser resolve that logo? I have issue with limitations and permissions for example creating an azure blob using a url to access the image. I did do that but do to privatelink requirements and some DNS limitations I only see the logo if I am accessing Coder within the same vnet. I would prefer to not stand up a web server just to host the logo....

How can i pre-install dependencies

Hi everyone I am pretty new to code-server and I already have code-server on my system (thanks to the quick installation guide). I am trying to set up a code-server so that it has a few dependencies pre-installed whenever it boots. I tried checking docs but I am unable to figure out how to use a template with code-server on my localhost. Maybe i am looking in the wrong place. I want to 1. Start code-server with preinstalled binaries on container. 2. Clone a repo that can be provided dynamically ... if possible using url...