Created by TitiMoby on 11/22/2024 in #help
One Kubernetes cluster for Coder and one for the workspaces: how do I specify the ~/.kube/config for
My first battlefield experience with Coder does not went as I expected, but mainly my fault. In all what I need to figure out, we are going to try to have 2 separate Kubernetes cluster: - one will be hosting Coder itself - one for all the workspaces The template has a parameter to use a kubeconfig but it expect to be in ~/.kube/config I understand it is more targeted towards a single instance running Coder but if I really need to run Coder in a Kubernetes cluster, how do I upload/specify the kubeconfig for workspaces?
13 replies
Created by TitiMoby on 11/13/2024 in #help
delete a workspace from cli fails when it was created on behalf of another user
To manage a workshop, I wrote some script to create and delete the proper number of users and workspaces. I had no issue to create the workspace on behalf of each user like this:
echo "Please input the number of users you want to create:"
read number

for ((i=0; i<number; i++))
coder users create --username user$i --password Password$i --email [email protected] --login-type password
coder create user$i/workspace$i -t AI-101-endpoints -y
echo "Please input the number of users you want to create:"
read number

for ((i=0; i<number; i++))
coder users create --username user$i --password Password$i --email [email protected] --login-type password
coder create user$i/workspace$i -t AI-101-endpoints -y
in the end I have X users with an associated workspace. Now I plan my work after the workshop and so I wrote the equivalent script to remove those users and workspaces.
echo "Please input the number of users you want to delete:"
read number

for ((i=0; i<number; i++))
coder delete workspace$i -y
coder users delete user$i
echo "Please input the number of users you want to delete:"
read number

for ((i=0; i<number; i++))
coder delete workspace$i -y
coder users delete user$i
But the command to delete a workspace fails with the error:

Encountered an error running "coder delete", see "coder delete --help" for more information
error: Resource not found or you do not have access to this resource

Encountered an error running "coder delete", see "coder delete --help" for more information
error: Resource not found or you do not have access to this resource
Did I miss something? side note: why having a different syntax for workspace and not as the others coder <resource> <subcommand>?
22 replies
Created by TitiMoby on 11/12/2024 in #help
different behaviour between desktop VSCode and code-server using gradio app
No description
11 replies
Created by TitiMoby on 10/25/2024 in #help
how to use files in script after cloning a repository?
I'd like to use some files that comes from a repository. The ideal use case is: - clone the repository, using module "git-clone" - use a file from this repository as the script parameter of resource "coder_script"
38 replies
Created by TitiMoby on 10/23/2024 in #help
external auth to be able to clone a repository from GitHub or GitLab
From what I read in https://coder.com/docs/admin/external-auth it is possible to authenticate users through their GitHub credentials. But what if I just need them to authenticate to be able to clone a repository? I don't want to create an app or a token on my account for them to be able to clone. Did I misunderstand something?
16 replies
Created by TitiMoby on 9/25/2024 in #help
Is is possible to have control policies when using Github or GitLab authentication?
I’m in the process to replace Gitpod with a self hosted Coder installation. The setup went well and I wrote an article about it. Now, to have a more comfortable way to handle the workshop, I need to allow attendees to connect and have a workspace the easiest way. Currently, I just have to give them the workshop repository on GitLab or Github with the proper Gitpod configuration file. To do that with Coder, I need several things. The first one, is a way to allow them to connect to my Coder with an account they already have. But after reading the documentation, it seems that when using Github/GitLab authentication, I only have full access or nothing. Is there a way to restrict such access to a only allow a predefined workspace?
26 replies
Created by TitiMoby on 8/29/2024 in #help
How to access logs?
It may sounds basic but I could not firue out how to access logs from Coder. I'm looking in particular to provisionerd logs to debug a potential template or cli issue.
8 replies
Created by TitiMoby on 6/18/2024 in #help
Create a dedicated workspace for each user
I am investigating to see if I would be able to replace Gitpod with Coder for my workshop needs. A first test for me can be a conference I have from 8 to 10th July. I have a workshop with something like 20 attendees. I already know how to have my custom docker image (at least if I use DockerHub and for now it's ok) on my own Coder (using Kubernetes) What I need now is to be able to prepare 20 accounts, with 20 dedicated workspaces. My question: is possible to create a workspace for a specific user (CLI or API is fine)?
99 replies
Created by TitiMoby on 6/17/2024 in #help
create my first custom image
Now that I have a running coder in my Kube and tested it with base template, I need to customize it to fit my usage. I was previously using Gitpod for this and I already have a docker image and it is pushed in my registry. but I always end with workspaces:
Workspace is unhealthy

Your workspace is running but 1 agent is unhealthy.
Workspace is unhealthy

Your workspace is running but 1 agent is unhealthy.
I also started from scratch with a "custom" image only containing:
FROM codercom/enterprise-minimal:ubuntu-20240617
FROM codercom/enterprise-minimal:ubuntu-20240617
What do I miss in the process? Is there a dedicated guide or article on how to write a custom docker image for Coder?
23 replies
Created by TitiMoby on 4/29/2024 in #help
Standard Kube install fails for docker template
I followed the standard guide to install Coder on our Kubernetes offer (I work at OVHcloud) Coder starts well but when I try to create a Docker template, I have an error about Docker daemon. I do not see any explanation on specific modification to do on deployement so I'm all ears to any advice. Error =>
Error: Error pinging Docker server: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

on main.tf line 19, in provider "docker":

19: provider "docker" {
Error: Error pinging Docker server: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

on main.tf line 19, in provider "docker":

19: provider "docker" {
20 replies