Windows terminal: arrow keys are not sent.
Archive too big. Must be <= 1048576 bytes
Workspace error: curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self-signed certificate in certificate chain
[Beginner] set up Clickhouse container
netstat -nlp
I can see port 5432 as usual and I can easily connect to it using psql
However I didn't have as much luck with Clickhouse, which is another DB I use for OLAP and stuff....Error: Error pinging Docker server: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/
Can't serve code-server under a subpath
How to stop Jupyter Kernels from dying when sleeping/disconnecting laptop?
coder not respecting ENV PROXY var when creating openshift template
Issue with VS Code + code Server
Unable to connect to workspace | access to terminal, code-server, ssh not working. No matching peer
Git clone with ssh-key
EKS PVC creation times out
"/persistentvolumeclaims": dial tcp [::1]:80: connect: connection refused"
Pylance/Python extension still not working?
Creating a new role, getting 405
Is there a way to set memory and storage limits?
Dev container workflow & security concerns with tunnel.
How to access logs?
"The agent cannot authenticate until the workspace provision job has been completed."
Any way to view the detailed Terraform plan for a workspace update?