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Windows terminal: arrow keys are not sent.

This is not specifically a problem of Coder but probably best to ask and document it here. On windows terminal, I can ssh into my Coder instance and all keys except arrow keys are correctly sent into Coder. Arrow keys do work in the regular windows terminal on powershell. I do not see a keybinding that intercepts the arrow keys. Any suggestions?...
please update, your version is old (March 23, 2023). this behavior was fixed in April of this year...

Archive too big. Must be <= 1048576 bytes

Dear Develop team, When I push template. I have issue "Archive too big. Must be <= 1048576 bytes", and I want to fixed it. Could you help me? Best regards, Ben.Ng...
I agree, but it's currently not possible to modify that limit and generally not wise because it goes beyond what the in-database storage was intended for and will likely hinder performance

Workspace error: curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self-signed certificate in certificate chain

I added the self signed cert to the values.yaml to deploy coder, then i modified the kubernetes template to work with openshift. Everything seems to work fine except that the workspace pod is not able to verify the self signed certificate of the coder api. In the workspace pod i get the error: + curl -fsSL --compressed -o coder curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self-signed certificate in certificate chain ...
Solved it by adding the certficate in the BuildConfig:

[Beginner] set up Clickhouse container

Hi, I'm relatively new with coder, I'm trying to set up a workspace with two containers: one with my own image where I keep all my development tools, and one with a DB server. The basic idea is to mimic a work environment, but instead of a remote DB I have it all on localhost. My first attempt was with Postgres, and it was quite smooth: I just declared a container in the TF template, used the official PG docker image, declared a volume claim, and set some env variables. Worked like a charm, if I run netstat -nlp I can see port 5432 as usual and I can easily connect to it using psql. However I didn't have as much luck with Clickhouse, which is another DB I use for OLAP and stuff....

Error: Error pinging Docker server: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/

Hello, thank you for create answer opensource, i already host coder and coder-server in my k8s by Helm , i try to create template from document with start template docker ( after i change terraform and build my template i get this error Error: Error pinging Docker server: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/ i am terraform and k8s newbie, how to check and fix this error , i need to run Angular project on Coder, Thankyou...

Can't serve code-server under a subpath

New at networking I have a setup with 3 VMs such as shown in the picture: 1 load balancer with caddy that routes to: 1 fastapi server at: "" code-server at: ""...
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How to stop Jupyter Kernels from dying when sleeping/disconnecting laptop?

Hi, This has become a fairly annoying problem - sometimes I just need to move my laptop, and if I have to sleep it, my Jupyter kernel will just stop and I'll have to rerun (expensive data processing code). Sure I can remember to pickle the data, but it seems like there should be a way to have the disconnection not kill the process and allow a restart. We're using Coder on a remote machine, that I have limited access to, so any solution needs to be explainable in a way I can ask my admin to set up. Thanks in advance,...

coder not respecting ENV PROXY var when creating openshift template

When executing: coder template push kubernetes -d . within the POD The env proxy var is not respected, causing the import to fail. I get: ==> ⧗ Detecting persistent resources...

Issue with VS Code + code Server

Hello, I was using coder for some months, there was no issue at all. Code Server + VS Code were working. But today whole day restarts wont help im getting some sort of ipv6 error ? MY VM got only ipv4 allocated And Im not sure how this error even happened cause it was working fine before?...
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Unable to connect to workspace | access to terminal, code-server, ssh not working. No matching peer

Have opened an issue for the same - Any suggestions? Please find the details of the issue below - ...
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Git clone with ssh-key

Dear Develop team, I have some issue When I clone git from repo in Gitlab to my coder-server, and I add SSH-key in my Gitlab And my application for Open ID connect, but in don't have parameter git clone . Thank you and best regards, Ben.Ng...
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EKS PVC creation times out

Hi, So, I was today's years old when I learned of Coder. Being a k8s guy I deployed it to an EKS cluster. Playing around with it, tried to use the provided K8s template and started deployment of a workspace. The pod deploys, but times out on PVC creation it seems. I'm deploying the workspace to the same cluster as Coder to keep things simple for now. What should I be looking at?...
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"/persistentvolumeclaims": dial tcp [::1]:80: connect: connection refused"

Got the following error: ``` Error: Post "http://localhost/api/v1/namespaces/": dial tcp [::1]:80: connect: connection refused on line 194, in resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim" "home": 194: resource "kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim" "home" {...

Pylance/Python extension still not working?

After searching this forum as to why pylance language server is unable to install, it seems like there isn't a workaround? Has anyone been able to have function definitions and proper syntax highlighting for python? Thank you!

Creating a new role, getting 405

Hi all, quick question, Is the enterprise plan required to create custom roles? I have coder-v2 hosted on EKS. I want to have a role that can use workspaces but not create new ones, I noticed the default user with no roles can use and create workspaces.

Is there a way to set memory and storage limits?

Memory added this setting but it did not work well. Disk could not find the item itself....
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Dev container workflow & security concerns with tunnel.

Hello 👋🏻 . I am trying to migrate my workflow to fully remote development using a home server. Currently, I develop everything in dev containers on a local host, and Coder seems to be especially fit to replace this as it supports dev containers in conjunction with the VSCode Web UI. I have two questions to this end:...
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How to access logs?

It may sounds basic but I could not firue out how to access logs from Coder. I'm looking in particular to provisionerd logs to debug a potential template or cli issue....

"The agent cannot authenticate until the workspace provision job has been completed."

I am trying to provision a Coder agent on a VM. I am doing this by creating a systemd unit that runs the Coder agent. However, when the unit starts, as part of a remote exec provisioner, it just keeps repeating this: ``` Aug 29 07:07:09 mike9-services.redacted coder[7482]: 2024-08-29 07:07:09.252 [info] connecting to coderd...

Any way to view the detailed Terraform plan for a workspace update?

I am experiencing weird issues with the AWS terraform provider that I could troubleshoot if I knew what configuration had drifted when I run an update. Right now, I get output like: ``` coder_agent.main: Drift detected (update)...