can not activate conda enviornment in `startup_script`
atif@aihwkit:~$ cat build.log
CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'.
To initialize your shell, run...
port-forwarding with many ports
Hello! For my application I need to port forward a great number of ports on my local machine from an up and running workspace.
This: coder port-forward my-ws --tcp p1 --tcp p2 --tcp p3 --tcp p4 --tcp p5 --tcp p6 ... doesn't look great. Can you suggest me a smarter way to achieve this ? Thank you all...
How to Install NodeJS onto VS Code Server?
So I just created a fresh CodeServer using Linode and wanted to create a program that needs NodeJS. But Im not sure how to do that since CodeServer is on the cloud and Im using Linode. I already have NodeJS on my mac so I find it wierd its not working. Whenever I type something like "npm instaill -y" on the VS Codeserver's terminal I get "root@[ip]:/root# npm init -y
bash: npm: command not found"...
How can I enable RDPing into an ec2 instance created from the template aws-windows
Created an ec2 instance with with windows server from the given aws-windows template and I need to RDP into it.
Prometheus metrics
Why does is the metric coderd_api_active_users_duration_hour 1 when no user is using coder (at least no workspace is used).
Disconnected workspace
bug: workspace becomes disconnected after inactivity and there is no way to connect again from the WebUI
Mount a Host folder as a volume
I am trying to mount a host folder
inside my workspace using the following settings.
resource "docker_container" "workspace" {
count =
image = docker_image.coder_image.latest...what user does the coder_agent startup script run as? i'm getting `Permission denied` errors
i'm getting permission denied errors when installing code-server. i even appended
to the curl
install command and am still receiving the below:
+ mkdir -p ~/.cache/code-server
mkdir: cannot create directory '/home/coder/.cache': Permission denied...Delete a user
I recently created another test account, however now that I’m done with it I’m trying to remove it. From the web I can only “suspend” users but not actually remove them. Same thing with cli.
How can I delete the user? Thanks....
AWS linux VM - in `connecting` status
I'm using the AWS Linux example and have run
aws configure
on my Coder host, and I see a new VM in my AWS console, but in Coder, the workspace stays in connecting
and the icons never show up.
I have tried Coder provider 0.4.6 and 0.4.8 and still no joy. The auth
in coder_agent
auth = "aws-instance-identity"
...[code-servers] VSCode Insiders channel
I might've asked that already but is there a way for me to use the insiders channel ?
Requested license not received (as a student)
Hi, I signed up for a student license of CoderV1 because I want to test CoderV1 in our CS course. If CoderV1 is suitable and runs stable with more than 50 users, our faculty would purchase a full license. The message said that it can take up to 24h, however I am already waiting 3 days 😦
About template names
Hi!, Is there any restriction about template names?
I took the file from docker template, copied it to another folder, modified and tried to create a new template, and I'm getting this error:
Validation failed....
Coder Templates Update Not A Command In v0.8.5
On the docs it says to use
coder templates update <template>
but when I try to run this command it says the only coder templates
sub commands are create, delete, edit, init, list, plan, pull, push, and versions