Coder Templates Update Not A Command In v0.8.5
On the docs it says to use
coder templates update <template>
but when I try to run this command it says the only coder templates
sub commands are create, delete, edit, init, list, plan, pull, push, and versionsworkspace for docker template running in hosts per developer
Hi!, I'm researching this tool for the developer team and I have some questions, maybe I'm misunderstanding how to use Coder.
I've being doing some POCs with the docker template, and I thought we could have for some project one template, that will be shared among the developers assigned to that project. So I was thinking to make the template run the workspace in different docker hosts using the username of the owner as part of the hostname. I realized that when you update the template to Coder server, Terraform connects to the docker host, so I'm not sure if this is the correct approach, maybe I need to use Kubernetes template instead.
What do you think? ...
template import provision for start recv import provision exit status 1
hello, I use the docker create templates, error by: template import provision for start: recv import provision: exit status 1
what need i do?...
Simple template for code-server
I'm new in this field. so forgive me if I'm misunderstanding.
I wanted to provide a web based IDE for multiple developers on a remote server. so that each user could log in to the server and open his own instance of the IDE. from what I read in the docs coder could provide this solution for me.
I followed the documentation instructions and now I have a workspace running from the following template:
Coder AWS Creds info
Where does the app get the necessary permissions to put the coder web app onto the Coder_Access_URL endpoint? in /etc/coder.d/coder.env?
Should I specify
and other TLS CERT vars when doing this for production or do they all have a default value?...Quick start create template not working
I attempted to follow the getting started guide and make a default aws-linux template and it failed during cleanup without any real details for me to go on with. I made an issue at as well.
Cloudflare Access
Hey, has anyone played with getting Cloudflare Access working with the Coder cli? I think it's an incredibly helpful usecase as it allows us to keep the coder service behind something like an Argo Tunnel and protect the underlying server while having a publicly accessible domain. Accessing the website in the browser obviously works fine but I think it may be a limitation of the CLI app that would likely need special support in order to deal with access auth. Would this be a feature worth conside...
Coder OSS gives docker.sock connect permission denied
Hello, I'm running Coder (through Docker Compose) on a EC2 instance. Some of my previous posts include issues on Kuberntes so now I decided to test Coder OSS on a EC2. Upon the creation of docker template or docker-code-server template, Coder raises "Error pinging Docker server: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/_ping": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied". I adde...
Need help Port Forwarding
Hi, I recently created a code-server so that I could use VSCode on my phone through the browser. It works great but whenever I change IPs (eg leave my house, or use my phone's LTE) I get kicked out of my Codeserver. I asked this question before and apparantly needed to do a Port Forward and Im not sure how to do that (I tried looking it up but I still didnt understand). Im hoping someone can guide me through the process of portforwarding so I could use VSCode through my phone's browser at any lo...