Problem with ChannelSelectMenuBuilder
Detect when new message is a reply to another one
Making multi-line embed descriptions cleaner
Message Link: ${targetMessage.ur},
Message Content: "${targetMessage.content}"`,
'',...Just like there's Member Exit Audit Log, is there Member Join Audit log?
...Autocomplete api error on vps but not locally
2|Massive-Moderation | [ { name: '@acierdev', value: '234018417043046400' } ]
2|Massive-Moderation | [ { name: '@acierdev', value: '234018417043046400' } ]
Command not registering
Discord dashboard
Does ChannelType.GuildText includes categories?
Any examples of a table format for an embed?
help needed regarding prefix handler
Authenticated Attachment URLs
Channel.messages.fetch getting different values
problems submitting modals
const { ModalBuilder, TextInputBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle, PermissionsBitField, TextInputStyle } = require("discord.js");
const Fighter = require(
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
...Automod System
Automod System
Automod System
How do you handle incompatible null/undefined from discord.js typings?
uses a mix of null/undefined and sometimes it gets really frustrating. For example this is a very common occurence in my codebase :
new EmbedBuilder()...Categories cannot have subcategories api error
DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body
parent_id[CHANNEL_PARENT_INVALID_PARENT]: Categories cannot have subcategories
DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body
parent_id[CHANNEL_PARENT_INVALID_PARENT]: Categories cannot have subcategories