Categories cannot have subcategories api error
DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body
parent_id[CHANNEL_PARENT_INVALID_PARENT]: Categories cannot have subcategories
DiscordAPIError[50035]: Invalid Form Body
parent_id[CHANNEL_PARENT_INVALID_PARENT]: Categories cannot have subcategories
cant receive dm messages from the 'messageCreate' event even after enabling the channel partial
modmail system
Issues implementing subcommands
When to shard?
Cant resolve zlib-sync
Creating TypeSafe event emitter wrapper function
import type { GuildBan, GuildMember } from 'discord.js';
import type { BanExportOptions, BanImportOptions } from './typeDefs';...MongoDb
"Failed to find guild, or unknown type for channel" even when not using channel.add()
function from discordjs searched my code, but couldn't find any usage of this, and I'm wondering, where is Issue is coming from. The image also looks like, some ID was stored as a js number and got trimmed....
Potential mass api usage issues
Handling Component Interaction to Modal interaction to Component interaction to Modal interaction
Message Collector Error
and sets it to username
, which I can log into the console just fine - I receive the following error preventing further code run. Also getting a shit ton of type errors.
OG Code
TypeScript ModMail
Error: Cannot properly serialize component type:
edit embed
broadcastEval blocks all shards
TypeError: import_undici4.FormData is not a constructor