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LemonSqueezy webhooks not working after deployment (VPS)

My Lemonsqueezy webhooks work fine in local environment with ngrox, but give error after deployment...

Customize loading screen background color

Hi everyone, Is there a straightforward way to customize the background color of loading screen (for protected routes, I guess)? It's currently white and, as I'm using dark/light modes, I would like to align this on the current theme. The part of code concerned seems to be this one: ...

How to change the form in .wasp

I need to change tag <ResetPasswordForm>, like add the button to see the password and fix title, but this tag is in .wasp which will render default file, How I can handle this
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Any support for AWS SES as ESP?

Have searched through the docs but can't find any mentions for anything but SendGrid and Mailgun

SDK build failed with exit code: 2

I'm beginer and each new project that I created has this error, I'm using WSL
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Fly (Deploy command failed with exit code: 1)

First time seeing this error: ```==> Building image Waiting for depot builder... ...

Allow Guest Subscription Before Account Registration in OpenSaaS

In OpenSaaS, is it possible for a guest to complete a subscription with Stripe or Lemon Squeezy before registering an account?

How to render pdfs within an opensaas project

within a opensaas project, using wasp-lang. How do i make it so that, pdfs can be clicked on and seen in the front-end? I'm trying to use this: For a guide on how to create Ai Creations, check out the <a className="underline text-blue-200 hover:text-blue-300" href="/User_Guide_to_generate_and_upload_ai_images.pdf" download>User Guide</a>. And the folder structure is within the /public. but it is not working? note there's also a static folder, within client/static for images. but its not working as expected for the pdfs?...

Getting User from the Task entity

How do you get the user from the Task entity when using "user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])"

npm i fails in OpenSaas

``` (base) app [develop] % wasp db migrate-dev 🐝 --- Compiling wasp project... -------------------------------------------------- ...

Fly.io Multi-Region Wasp setup with database Replicas

I'm planning to run a multi-region service. My service, spellfast.ai, should be fast globally, so I'm scaling to multiple regions. The best way to do this in my case is by using database replicas, which are clones of the primary region's database. The benefit is that you have one database, and the clones receive updates. The setup involves setting up different ports for reading from database replicas and catching write requests, proxying them from replicas to the database in the primary region. docs: https://fly.io/docs/postgres/advanced-guides/high-availability-and-global-replication/#connecting-to-read-replicas Is such a custom setup even possible with Wasp? Any suggestions on how to achieve this?...

How to access public assets on both server and client?

wasp version: 0.15.1 Hey all, I'm currently working on a project where I need to assign Lottie animations files randomly when an entry is created. I had thought I had solved it, but it doesn't work after deploying to the test environment. ...

Getting EISDIR errors when trying to run Wasp

When trying to perform either "wasp start" or "wasp db migrate-dev", during the npm install section, i get an EISDIR when it tries to create a symlink from .wasp/out/sdk/wasp to app/node_modules. I tried creating the symlink myself beforehand, but it then just hits EISDIR when trying to lstat that same file . Wasp version is 0.15.2 Platform is WSL...

pgadmin - docker

i can't connect to the database using pgadmin -> prisma working -> psql commands works -> config im using :...
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Google Analytics Reverse Proxy

How? I feel some inconsistency in my Analytics numbers and some traffic analysis tools. Also, my traffic may be coming from places where there is a possible adblock.

Broken generator

I'm attempting to configure a third-party generator in my instance. On the first attempt, setting provider = prisma-docs-generator produces the following compilation error: ```sh [ Db ] Environment variables loaded from .env [ Db ] Prisma schema loaded from ../db/schema.prisma...

Replacing the opensaas demo app with my own.

@kapa.ai I am making an app using the open SAAS template. I made my custom app with mage and attempted to replace the demo app code with the mage code. I changed it everywhere. When I ran wasp start it wouldn't compile because it said it was missing the demo app code. What did I do wrong?

Skip email verification for users invited via email.

In my app, users can invite someone to join their organization via email. I’d like to make it so that invited users don’t have to verify their email address once they sign up, as they have already clicked a link in their email. After doing some research, and reading questions posted in this discord, it seems like this is not supported by wasp. It seems possible if I could generate an AuthIdentity and verification token at the time the invitation is sent, then add the token as part of the link sent in the invitation email and verify it when the user lands on the page I link them to. I’m just not sure how to make the ends meet. Any insights?...

wasp start db fails inside CI pipeline

We are attempting to run some automated tests against our wasp app inside of a Bitbucket pipelines step as part of our CI automation. wasp start db fails start due the the volume parameter on the docker command docker run --name wasp-dev-db-OpenSaaS-f93feb5239 --rm --publish 5432:5432 -v wasp-dev-db-OpenSaaS-f93feb5239:/var/lib/postgresql/data --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgresWaspDevPass --env POSTGRES_USER=postgresWaspDevUser --env POSTGRES_DB=OpenSaaS-f93feb5239 Bitbucket pipelines rejects...

redirect after login

After logging in, I'd like to route to a profile page if the user has not yet finished profile setup. Otherwise, they should go to the dashboard page. How do I fork this routing?