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using the same navbar from the landingpage for the pricing page and removing the other navbar.

I wan't to only use the landingpage navbar, because my webapp will be a completely different UI with a different navbar. so I want the pricing navbar to be the same as the landingpage navbar. and don't use the other navbar. (i'll build a different navbar for my webapp but I need the fullscreen for it to look nice so not a navbar on the top the whole time and a vertical one on the left.

Trouble setting up a cron job

I'm trying to set up a cron job, but I'm getting an odd error message: ``` node:internal/errors:496 ErrorCaptureStackTrace(err); ^...

Best practices for splitting queries and operations

Hello, as I'm getting familiar with Wasp and OpenSaaS, I've hit a doubt I'd like to solve before I add too many functionalities to my project. Following the vertical feature structure in OpenSaaS, is it advised that I create operations.ts and query.ts under each functionality that requires them, or should I keep them in the top-level operations.ts and queries.ts files? To make it visual...

colors/styling not changing for webapp when changing to dark mode.

When changing to dark mode the colors aren't changing properly for the webapp I build with mage AI. the background stays white and somet text does change but becomes white for some reason. how can I change this styling?

cannot find module ...payment/plans

[ Server!] Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module '/home/sven/SaaS/p/app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/dist/ext-src/payment/plans' imported from /home/sven/SaaS/p/app/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/dist/ext-src/payment/operations.js [ Server!] at __node_internal_captureLargerStackTrace (node:internal/errors:496:5) [ Server!] at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:405:5) [ Server!] at finalizeResolution (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:327:11) [ Server!] at moduleResolve (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:946:10)...

How can i avoid that a user can "signup" twice with the same email address?

At the moment, it's possible for users to sign up with the same email address and still get this confirmation message on the signup page: You've signed up successfully! Check your email for the confirmation link. In the database, nothing changes if the email address already exists but how can I check upfront as part of the sign up process if the email address already exists?...

Server URL is incorrect when deployed

Hi guys, so after trying to deploy my app, adding my domain, various deployments, restarts etc I finally got it deployed. The client and server are both running. However, the client cannot make requests to the server. The client is making requests to a hostname which doesn't exist (https://frosty-pond-etc instead of https://autumn-pine-etc). I tried checking the toml file on the server, the name is correct. I tried setting it up like REACT_APP_API_URL=https:/autumn-pine-etc wasp deploy fly dep loy ...

getting error when implementing a query

I am implementing a query that gets user credentials form the db, uses these to fetch data and return the data to the client side. But i get this error: [ Wasp ] server/operations/queries/index.ts(63,14): error TS2322: Type '(args: unknown, context: { user: AuthUser; }) => Promise<Payload>' is not assignable to type '(args: any, context: { user: AuthUser; }) => Promise<void | { [date: string]: OrderData; }>'. [ Wasp ] Type 'Promise<Payload>' is not assignable to type 'Promise<void | { [date: string]: OrderData; }>'. [ Wasp ] Type 'Payload' is not assignable to type 'void | { [date: string]: OrderData; }'....

simple question that the kapa.ai will probably help me with :) |adding my .txs webapp UI layout how?

I've build a .TSX file with my UI dashboard for my webapp application. but how can I now add this to the boilerplate?

Cannot add new field to User entity

Just trying add a simple field called Settings which will be a Json? type, and when I run wasp db migrate-dev I gett an Error 'ext-src/server/scripts/usersSeed.ts(10,9): error TS2741: Property 'settings' is missing in type '{}' And I dont think I should be messing with the usersSeed.ts ......

has anyone implemented the GSC API in their Wasp project?

Any idea if I should add the Google Search Console scope to my regular oAuth or setup up entirely new credentials and consent screen for when someone wants to connect properties? The idea of the app is it pulls in your GSC data each day so you can visualize GSC data for multiple sites using custom filtering. Have the frontend built out but can't figure out GSC connection......

Backend public?

Is there a way that I can make my api accessible from localhost while its on prod? The current frontend and api are hosted already and working, but I want to also access it from localhost(for now) and other domains later on....

Stripe Webhook not firing when relevant events fire

I am trying to use the standard OpenSaaS implementation and have noticed that the stripe webhook does not fire at all even when the events are happening (I am testing it locally) - I've tried both just having it running and manually triggering the events and manually firing the events via the command line, but the stripe webhook doesn't run at all. I've added my STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET to my env variables.

What's the easiest way to add a live chat script?

I'm wondering what's the easiest way to provide a live chat via an external JS script across all of my app pages? Do I have to include it in App.tsx? 🙂

Deployed Server and Client appear "Disconnected"

I am deploying via the Wasp CLI with fly.io, and after trying to debug some unrelated deployment issues I now have a problem where it appears the client cannot connect to the database at all. The initial auth request is hanging and nothing involving the database works at all. I can see via listing the secrets that all the environment variables are correct (or at least present) on the server. Additionally, everything I try locally all works so I am unable to debug it locally. Looking at fly.io's dashboard, the server seems to be online and successfully receiving releases. I can also connect to it via the command line. Are there any steps I can take to figure out what's going on? I currently don't have a database backup so I'd like to avoid totally re-launching my app if possible....

How to change how user is added to database.

Im using WASP SAAS template however i'm trying to change how a user is put into the database. I made a new table called person, and i'm trying to create this first and then attach it to the user as a foreign key.

How do I fix this db error

how do i fix this error [ Server!] error: database "OpenSaaS-cd8dfa8fd6" does not exist [ Server!] at /Users/haarismian/Development/Wisement/wisement/app/node_modules/pg-pool/index.js:45:11 [ Server!] at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)...

Issues with deploying to baremetal

The Wasp application is deployed, but all requests (including static assets) are being caught by the catch-all route, resulting in a "{"message":"Catch-all route"}" response. - Apache is configured as a reverse proxy. - Node.js server (Wasp backend) is running on port 5555. - Static files are present in the correct build directory....

Cursor AI + Open SaaS

I’m a Java backend developer and I enjoy building SaaS applications as a side project. I recently found this amazing template and the WASP project in general and I’m curious about using Cursor AI with WASP effectively. I’m not an expert in React, therefore I often rely on Cursor AI to write and understand code. I’ve tried integrating it, but sometimes encounter errors when working with the context of WASP. Before investing more time in configuring it correctly, I wanted to ask if anyone here has experience using Cursor AI with WASP and could share some tips or examples. Thanks in advance!...

Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: failed to solve: failed to com

Im getting this error while deploying opensaas with fly.io. How can I fix it ?