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How to keep client credentials for a third party platform safe

The users of my SaaS are using a third party platform to sell goods, now this platform offers an API to which we as software can connect to using the clients credentials. It consists of a client-id and client-secret, which both can be found in the users account. Question: How do I keep these safe and also stored optimally, such that the Software can easily use the credentials per user and doesn't accidentally use the credentials of another user?...

User is logged out quite quickly

Hi there, is there a way to avoid that users are logged out quite quickly? Often, it happens that users have to log in again after a short time....

Installation failed: There is no wasp version 0.14.0

I'm trying to install the latest version but I'm getting this error, I'm using ubuntu in WSL.
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Hello i have problem my Wasp say : .local/share/wasp-lang/0.14.2/wasp-bin: /lib64/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by /home/*/.local/share/wasp-lang/0.14.2/wasp-bin) can you help me ? Thanks

Koyeb Issues

Are you familiar with koyeb?

How do i use the darkmodeswitcher component from the template in my other pages?

How do i implement the element specifically to let it work

Google auth redirects to fly.dev domain instead of custom domain

After deploying my app, when I try to sign in with google, I am reditected to https://my-application.fly.dev/auth/google/login instead of https://my-application.com/auth/google/login I have changed the WASP_SERVER_URL to point to my custom domain...

Zero length key (google auth) ??

Hey I get the following errors out of nowhere, and I have no clue how to debug this, any ideas how to proceed? ``` DOMException [DataError]: Zero-length key is not supported...
No description

Locally hosting two wasp projects at once

Hello! I'm trying to host two wasp projects locally (open on network) but it's deploying them on the same IP adresses. Is there any way to change that?

Redirect to a specific page after signup

I want to redirect new users who have signed up to a payments/pricing page so they can pay. How can I do this?

print wasp documents? (irl)

Hi guys, I'm sorry this is not a technical question haha, but I like to keep my important stuff irl and I wonder if it's a pdf or a download mirror to the documentation? I prefer not to print the web view of the docs

When trying to perform a database action i get network error. Also when trying to register

When i try to perform a database action or register an account i get network error. I did
wasp start db
wasp start db
``` PostgreSQL Database directory appears to contain a database; Skipping initialization ...

Wasp can't run PostgreSQL dev database for you since port 5432 is already in use.

When i do wasp start db, it gives the following error
Wasp can't run PostgreSQL dev database for you since port 5432 is already in use.
Wasp can't run PostgreSQL dev database for you since port 5432 is already in use.

What file can i change login page colors

hi kapa in what file can i change the login page colors from yellow to another color. i use SaaS 3 template

How do I edit the navbar in opensaas

How do I edit the navbar in opensaas ?

header of landing page showing on different route

I made a new route and page see the route below ``` route Databaseroute { path: "/dashboard/productdatabase", to: DatabasePagee } page DatabasePagee {...

Issue with Keycloak Logout Not Terminating Session in Wasp 0.14 on WSL

Hi everyone, I’m using Wasp version 0.14 on a WSL platform and have integrated social authentication with Keycloak. The login works fine, but I’m having trouble with the logout. When I click "logout" (from the OpenSaaS menu), the session on OpenSaaS is terminated (the local storage key is removed), but the session remains active on Keycloak. It seems that the logout action is not calling Keycloak's logout endpoint. Is there any configuration I might be missing? How do I ensure that Keycloak’s session is properly terminated upon logging out of OpenSaaS?...

My website isn't showing up when I run wasp start

I got a wasp project generated using mage ai. I added the necessary preequisites to run the project and ran wasp start. However, even though everything runs properly there's nothing showing up on the local host. It's just a blank white screen. There aren't even any errors, so I don't know what the issue is. Any help?

Why is my deployed project ui different to my local ui?

When i deploy to railway for some reason one of the components width is reduced? its smaller than it is when doing wasp start locally