A route that returns either txt/xml (server route) or Vue (pages route)?
as a server route, and /rfc/rfc1
as a pages Vue route. The filename-pattern in the server
or pages
directory would be [id].ts
but then Nuxt prefers the server route over pages, and there's no way to narrow the server route with patterns like [id].xml.ts
(not...Website not working on prod, no useful errors.

loggedIn.value always false
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In nuxt, where to specify compile-time flags?
Nuxt UI v3 Calendar Heading
Empty Nuxt 3 project seems to leak memory locally only in dev mode after second launch
npx nuxi@latest init MyProject
npm run dev
close the process
and repeat npm run dev
(also applies to all further runs)...
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Reading public env var in lib script
and my code is:
const client = new Client()
.setProject(process.env.NUXT_PUBLIC_APPWRITE_PROJECT_ID);...unable to verify the first certificate
Wildcard routes that vary by file extension that Nuxt interprets as overlapping routes
and /rfc/rfcN.txt
and an HTML route at /rfc/rfcN/
where the N
is a number. Making files in server/routes/rfc/
named [id].txt.ts
and [id].json.ts
doesn't result in Nuxt serving each route distinctly. Should I use a single route file that handles them all (if so how do I handle server and vue routes?), or middleware to redirect, or what?net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH 200
npm run dev
command, everything boots up normally according to the console. However, when navigating to the site, I only get a blank page. Opening the dev tools reveals a bunch of errors like this:
GET<snip>/node_modules/tailwindcss/tailwind.css net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH 200 (OK)
play:1 ...Access Cloudflare bindings from scheduled task
```...NuxtImg IPX 429 issues
Nuxtjs/I18n not initialising properly
Is nuxt-security important ?