Nuxt Icon
Nuxt Icon discovered local-installed 4 collections :..... I use a different collection from @iconify-json ! How to remove the other ones please ?
Advice for creating and managing standalone script
I’m thinking of creating a standalone widget script that users can add to their website’s <head> to show some stats from our platform. Ideally, I’d like to keep it within the same Nuxt repository as the platform to make maintenance and deployment easier.
Planning to do even more widget scripts and heavy DOM manipulations in the future, so looking for something that will make my life easier. I looked into Petite-Vue, but it seems unmaintained. I also came across Atomico for web components, but I’m hesitant to dive into a new API like that without being sure it’s the right fit.
I’d really appreciate any advice or suggestions on the best approach to take here!...
NuxtLink active boolean
Is there any way to get the NuxtLinks active status as a value in the links scope? Example
<NuxtLink to="/settings"><MyCustomButton :selected="?????" /></NuxtLink>
...Vitest and useCookie
const layoutBannerTopIsHidden = useCookie<boolean>(CookieLayoutBannerTopIsHidden, { maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, default: () => false })
if (layoutBannerTopIsHidden.value) {
404 errors during playwright navigation due to missing server redirect?
When I run my playwright tests on my SPA Nuxt application, I keep getting the message:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
This happens when navigating to a page in the app using Playwright, like localhost:3000/mypage. Note however that the test and the navigation do succeed, but the error is always printed nonetheless.
.../app/.nuxt/dev/index.mjs failed
I receive the following error after the Vite server has warmed up:
ERROR [worker reload] [worker init] /app/.nuxt/dev/index.mjs failed
ERROR [worker reload] [worker init] /app/.nuxt/dev/index.mjs failed
500 page unavailable
I'm getting the biggest headache, searching for a solution in the last 3 hours. Out of nowhere, my pages won't load anymore, unless I go directly from my frontpage/index page to route to other pages.
I have seen solutions on the web like:
- adding vue-router
- adding vue...

vuetify icons not working
hello im trying to get my vuetify nuxt project to use mdi icons and fa icons ``` vuetify: {
vuetifyOptions: {
icons: {
defaultSet: "fa",
sets: [...
How can I implement an inline script on page?
Something like
<script>console.log('hello world')</script>
I need to implement the inline script that way because it's a third-party script...Nuxt Auth
I am currently struggling with implementing OAuth2 for my application. I have added @sidebase/nuxt-auth with a NuxtAuthHandler with Authentik as following:
export default NuxtAuthHandler({...
Test Utils: wrapper.find Always Returns Empty DOMWrapper
I'm converting an app for Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3. I've updated the unit test config to use Nuxt test utils and the Nuxt environment but wrapper.find only ever returns an empty DOMWrapper i.e. does not find anything, even though the wrapper.html looks correct
import { defineVitestConfig } from '@nuxt/test-utils/config'...
Loading Indicator when ssr:false
Hi, is there any option to add a custom loading indicator while the
ssr: false
application is loading?
something like
<template #loading>
Loading.....Issue with import types with Nuxt UI Pro and Nuxt UI
Hello. I have an issue with Nuxt UI Pro. I installed it as the docs says, the issue is that I'm trying to make a form, as it is in the docs.
import type { FormSubmitEvent } from '#ui/types';
import type { HeaderLink } from '#ui-pro/types'
Hi, has anyone here tried deploying their Nuxt frontend on Nuxthub while hosting their Laravel backend on Hostinger? My nameserver is also on Hostinger. I am using Breeze API in my Laravel and have set up a subdomain on Hostinger pointing to my Nuxt frontend URL. However, I always get a CSRF token mismatch error for non-GET requests. I’m not sure what’s wrong. I’ve been searching the internet for a while now but am stuck. Everything works fine when running on localhost.
UInputMenu Focus
Why doesn't this shortcut / to focus on UInputMenu work?
```<script setup lang="ts">
const filterBuilderMenuOpen = ref(false)
const selected = ref('')...
Conditional Popup Pages / Nested Routes
I’m working on a Nuxt 3 (or actually Nuxt 4) project, and I need some help with implementing a feature. Here’s what I’m trying to achieve:
• I’d like certain pages to open as popups/overlays when navigating to them via the frontend.
• However, if someone accesses those pages directly (e.g., by entering the URL in the browser), they should render as full-page views.
I’ve been exploring nested pages and the popup/overlay is no problem, but the normal render view part is not clear to me....
NuxtLink `to` prop includes file names instead of paths
I'm new to Nuxt and confused by what I'm seeing when I add a basic
. I was expecting to see the list of route paths in the to
prop but instead I'm seeing file names. This becomes a bit trickier if I use route groups, as the file name will contain a segment that isn't part of the path. It's easy enough to ignore autocomplete and just add the expected path, but it seems like the type may not be generated as intended.
Is this a known limitation/issue, or is there something I may need to configure so the type is generated from all available route paths?...