Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time ๐Ÿ™‚.







GitHub Collaboration

If someone invites to a GitHub repo for a collab. Then also, do we need to create a separate branch and make a pull request or directly commit to the main branch?...

Mask animation

Hi! I'm trying to recreate the mask animation in the Recreating PRO Ink Reveal video from But I'm not sure how to create the png frame images. I havent used any image editing software before, but I'm willing to learn ๐Ÿ˜„...

Is this how GitHub Templates work?

Question: So let's say I create an empty folder in my local machine, run "npm init -y" in command line, and then run this command "npm create vite@latest", and with all this setup, I push this code into a GitHub Repo, and make it as a Template Repository, so next time I want to create a new project, under this "Template Repository" I click the "Use this template" button, and then "Create a new repository", I create a new repo from that template and clone it to my local machine. ( My question is,...

Visual Studio Code to browser - Media queries...

Hi everyone! I have tried everything I can think of and I just cannot figure out what is causing this issue I'm seeing. In Visual Studio Code I connected to Live Server, and even tried alternatives...but when I go to my browser preview, all of my media queries are stripped out. Has anyone come across this or know how to fix it? Thank you!...

How to create Custom Project Templates in Webstrom IDE

Hi Devs! If anyone of you is using Webstrom IDE than you must know that it provides project templates for React, Vue, Express etc and we can create projects from these. Can anyone guide me on how to I can create custom Project Templates like that?...

How to connect VS code Domain and upload on a server

Hi, guys I use GIT HUB for test my VS code, I want to upload website (only front-end) to a web server, I have domain already, how can I do this? please help me, thanks.

Plug-in or API for forms?

I want to create a website with only vscode and upload my files/folders to my hosting site via SMTP. Trying to do one project old school like ๐Ÿคฃ However Iโ€™m not sure how to handle form validation and notifications and storage. Is there a way to import a tool that can handle forms for me? Im intentionally not using Wordpress or other platforms for this project. I was going to use a webhook to push the form data to googleSheets but I donโ€™t know if Iโ€™ll need further form validation then what is baked into the html attributes. Iโ€™m not totally sure Iโ€™m using the correct language by calling the tool I need an API or plug-in btw....

Code Review Services for Beginner

New to coding and building websites. I'm building my first website to add to a portfolio but I'm questioning if my code is any good. So far it seems like it works well but I wonder if it could be better. Am I following best practices, are there ways to make it cleaner, how do I know I'm on the right track, etc. I don't have a mentor or anyone to help me so I started looking into Codacy and and I'm curious if anyone has tried these services. Any alternative recommendations? Thank...

problem in vs code

guys i have installed node js but now my vs code keeps spamming me with errors how can i fix it

Changing the github repo that my google domain is using (Sveltekit build, Svelte project)

The app is in Svelte, and I thought I had done it all, but the website seems to just load the readme, and not the actual code itself. ...

Creating & committing folders in a GH Branch in terminal

I need a little clarification on how this works. I know that, with files, if I'm in a certain branch, say main, and I create a new file there (say, myFile.html). If that file is unique to main (the filename does not exist in any other branches), then if I fail to commit that newly created unique file, and then switch to another branch (say, Branch-1), that Git's 'Uncommitted Changes Carryover' will be triggered, and I'll be allowed to switch to Branch-1 , but in Branch-1, I will see a temporary copy of the uncommitted myFile.html inside the Branch-1 directory. It's only once I finally commit myFile.html to a particular branch, that I will no longer see temporary copies of it ("carried over") into other Branch directories. After committing, it will only be visible in the directory associated with the Branch it was committed to. ...
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Working in cloned local repos with multiple branches, best practices?

I am new to working with Github branches so I'm looking for some general 'best practices' guidance on how programmers who are working together in the same remote repo should operate when it comes to pushing changes, when and how this should happen so as to minimize the chance of conflicts and accidental overwrites of others' existing work. So far, our remote repo has just two branches, a 'main' and a 'Features'. Both programmers will start out cloning the remote repo to their local machines. One will be working on the 'backend' code, and the other on the 'frontend', but both will be pushing their work to 'Features'. ...

My .gitignore getting ignored when I try to perform git push

You can see my file structure of my React project and its .gitignore file in the attached pictures. I initiated an empty local repository, then I cloned an existing online repository into it. You can see I have my 'node_modules' listed inside of the .gitignore, which I believe is added by React automatically. ...
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Git + Next js 14 project getting stuck on git push on total line

Next js 14 project getting stuck on git push on total line
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Audio Problem VSCode

Hi everyone, so I am currently learning CSS HTML and especially Java Script, and I made some sort of Music Player, by coding it from someone. Now I tried to add my Mp3 Files, and it says "An error occurred while loading the audio file". After I downloaded the guy that made the Player and inserting them, they work. Does anyone know how to fix it?

Can anyone help me figure out how to change the text color of my Sass variable tokens within VS Code

I'm looking for the setting that will allow me to change the color of the actual text of the variable in Sass. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Github trials and tribulations: Accessing non-'main' branches of a pulled repo locally

I initialized a local github repository and then performed a 'git pull' of an existing online repository, so that its files were brought into my local repository folder. The online repository that I pulled from has multiple branches. However, when I run git branch -a from my local repository, I only see the main branch listed. I need to ultimately move over into one of the pulled repository's other branches, the Features branch, and commit and push my work to that branch, NOT main. Although like I said, I currently don't even see the Features branch as available....
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Why do we use Netlify/other sites to host framework written apps, instead of just using Github Pages

Title, I'm curious and haven't found a solid answer yet when searching online. I'd like to know why I'm told to use sites like Netlify, Cloudflare, Heroku, instead of what I was doing with vanilla JS projects which is throwing it up using github pages

Obsidian integration with VSCode

Does anyone know any way that you can integrate Obsidian with VSCode? In my case I'd like to find a way to collect all my notes for my program (VSCode) in a readable format (obsidian) so i can view/edit/create notes both in VSCode and Obsidian respectably.

Local Host on Mobile

I tried with my network IP and the port of the server but it doesn't seem to work