Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time πŸ™‚.







How can i nstall gatsby-remark-reading-time plugin ?

i've been trying to install with the` npm install [plugin name] but didn't work i did a little research and i found one with npm install -legacy-peer-deps `which actually it recommends in the photo, but firstly did work but when i run npm start got a lil problem, i changed node.js to the new version and now seems both the npm install [plugin name]** and npm install -legacy-peer-deps

VS Code Snippets -- why do I have 2-3 for the same thing?

I've disabled all extensions. I'm trying to cut down on my code snippets because sometimes I'll have 4-5 that do close to the same thing and the only one I want is usually 2-3 down the list. Attached is just one example.

Tools for writing css components?

Are there any JS-less (i.e. don't require working with js (i.e. react/vue and jsx) when writing, not building) tools for conveniently organizing and aiding in writing css components or "design systems"? I know of storybook, but it's heavily reliant on js.

Update email address of a series of commits

Hi there, hope you can guys help me with something... I completely reinstalled everything on my machine and got a new fresh setup. This includes git configuration, so when I resumed work on an old project I had to enter my user and email address for all my commits, as expected. Unfortunately I got the email address wrong and now my commits won't appear on the GitHub counter which is a bit of a bummer. Is there a way to overwrite all commits to use a different email address? Git is still one of those things that I only know at the surface level, and I'm still green when it comes to this type of stuff. ...

Files lost in commit to "no branch"

I commited changes I made and I think they got into an "no branch". I don't really understand what happend and how to get them back.

Astro file

Why does my astro file's code has no color. It's a working code. But I don't know if I have to do anything so it shows it's color.

Laravel gitignore more to include question

Anything else I should add here to what has been pre generated by the laravel setup?

Prettier is doing some weird stuff.

Hi, I started using prettier few weeks ago and this keeps happening a lot. I tuned the settings for closing brackets which helped a bit, but some elements ( links for example) are still broken. I dont know why is this happening. I doesnt give me any errors in the log. I have the same settings as my friend and he doesnt have this problem.

Virtual PulseAudio device that will run all my speakers simultaneously doesn't work. 🦠

So, I have a cast off Samsung soundbar & sub that I'm pretty sure I'm killing the little speakers in trying to accomplish the volume necessary for Holotrophic therapy (which includes going voluntarily deaf by listening to music so loud that you can't hear anything else). I was playing around with PulseAudio after finding pavucontrol could control my volume, but not alsamixer. In the config I see the attached statement that it can create a virtual device that will drive the speakers on my desk & in my monitor as well. That could likely get me to where I'm looking to be. πŸ’’πŸ›ΉπŸ“’πŸŒšπŸŽ†πŸŒπŸ’ΈπŸ¦‹πŸ™πŸ˜ΉπŸŽ±πŸŽ³πŸ‘‘...

Error while fetching extensions XHR failed

Hi everyone I have this message "Error while fetching extensions XHR failed" I check on google ...

Problem with boot

I'm have Linux 22.10 and it suddenly freeze in login screen after sleep mode and now it cant boot after restsrt

Ubuntu upgrades / unattended upgrades

Apologies if this is a bit off topic for this channel - if anyone knows a good linux discord server I'll happily ask there! πŸ™‚ If not though: - I've started serving sites from ubuntu on digital ocean droplets. I'm using unattended-upgrades, and it seems to be running: ```...

What's a good SMTP sender (docker img)

I just need something that I can send emails through, I've been avoiding it for too long. Something to use with WP, contact forms, or what have you. Don't need a full email env. Though I think I do need something that can use a different port than 25 as my host blocks/uses it.

Vim ways of adding a character to the end of the line

Ok, so in these annoying little languages that require a ; at the end of the line or they piss and cry, how can I add that easily? I mean in situation when I finish writing my code and the cursor isn't at the end of the line, like when you have a function or a string that pair () "" is added automatically so your cursor ends up before those characters like in the picture, how do I add the ; at the end of the line in the easiest way?

good visual crutches for css grids?

anyone knows good visual crutches 🩼 for css grids, like webflow has? (Under visual crutches I mean the UI means of building grids visually. You can see said UI throughout the video)...

Regex for the -name argument in `find`

I am once again here for your bash support How do I recursively select all the files that end with .zsh but not (*install.zsh|*completion.zsh|*.symlink)?...

How to disable fontLigatures for specific "strings"?

Hello. I love font ligatures, but I don't like how "==" and "===" turn into 2-3 lines one under another. Is there a way to disable font ligatures only for "==" and "==="?...