Is there any way to stop Firefox devtools panel from changing layout when resizing?

'Cos it really does my head in, as seen here:
7 Replies
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Unknown User17mo ago
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EmSixTeen17mo ago
I can't change the title but I mean without undocking.
Jochem17mo ago
I don't think you can, but you may want to look at the responsive design mode (click the phone + tablet icon, or hit ctrl+shift+m) so you can resize the viewport without resizing the devtools
Unknown User
Unknown User17mo ago
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EmSixTeen17mo ago
That's typically what I do, but it's just really surprising to me that they don't even have an option for this, it's brutal Docking it to the top or bottom doesn't really fix the problem though, tbh Ah well, 'tis what it is
Jochem17mo ago
what makes it brutal though? What are you achieving by resizing the panel, and why is it an issue that it's changing its layout?
EmSixTeen17mo ago
Deary me.