Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







package.json exports: export file from other module

Is there a way for a package to export a file from another package directly? Something along the lines of; ```json...

Learning java

Hi, i just completed my graduation, but due to covid, i missed my basic concepts like core java, dsa. As a fresher, I want to start my career as a full stack java developer. Can anyone help me with the concepts, resources, what to learn, how much to learn and how to learn? Should i go for online tutorials or learn with the help of books? I really need help as I am alone, i have to do this by myself. Please any tips on how should I study java, dsa, and development all together.

Deploy reactjs CMS on free hosting

Hey guys, after I created reactjs with CMS, how do I deploy it on free hosting (just for practice)?

how do some people get udemy coupons for free?

There's a telegram group with free udemy course coupon that gives courses for free for the first 1000 person or something like that, i want to know how they do it, api or something else that gets them as soon as they become available

Safely store an API client secret with Electron JS

Hi, I'm building a project with Electron, and I need to use APIs, since I want to make this app public, I must store safely my client secret and tokens I know the existence of safeStorage.encryptString(), and I played a little with it, what I think I can do is encrypt my client secrete once, and since the returned thing is a buffer, convert this buffer to string, and then store it in a JSON for later ...


Procedure to send an image (download) via a node API, do I create read stream and pipe it to the front and if yes what gets sent from that binary, base64 string, array buffers?

electron js, cant use an iframe

hi, i need to embed a twitch clip for a project of my own, and i want to use electron the ifram is working when the html is simply opened in the browser but with electron i've on one side an error in the console: ``` (node:1012) electron: Failed to load URL:<idduclip>&parent= with error: ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE...


hi guys i'm starting the journey of learning php and if you have any good source to learn it

Ninjucks not wroking

I was following the Kevin's video Turn static HTML/CSS into a blog with CMS using the JAMStack. Which included the steps of -Github file - Install Node.js - run npm init -y in terminal - npm install @11ty/eleventy --save-dev...

Change install Location.

I want to run the command of npm install @11ty/eleventy --save-dev. But it's making folder outside of the folder I want to. How do I change it to go to the specified folder as I got multiple folder. Picture for reference....

Need help modelling a mysql prisma schema

I am currently making a quiz-type website and need a database setup for that, however I do not know how to model it in prisma, any help would be appreciated. I want to have one table with all the users, who will have all the standard attributes along with one organisation attribute. I need one table that will log the users attempts, and one table with all the organisations...

Model problem with mvc approach in current calendar project using laravel

I'm not sure if Event and User are models or if user has an array of events field in the user table. Need to make this connection in order to establish how dates are handled. Maybe Laravel is overkill for this scale of project since user only has their calendar page.

Styling error on Wordpress theme, after deploying to Github Pages

Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right channel for this question but hope someone can help. I've used the Simply Static plug-in to compress my Wordpress theme to HTML, so I can deploy to Github pages. However, the site has broken styling whereas just the index.html opens fine. The issue is only when opening the link to the site: ...

A general curriculum-path thing for Golang

Sharing a note I made to help learn go for the web. Looking for some feedback, especially at the end.

Data Flow Diagram simplify

Hey guys I cant find any tag to post this DFD. So I will try to post this here. Can you guys suggest how can I simplify this Data Flow Diagram? Maybe Level 0 - 1. We have a system that is anti fraud system in a online shop app. If the customer has a low merit points which means the customer cant order many items in the shop....

Need help on deciding a web stack

I am currently in highschool, and pretty decent in javascript and python, and I need to build a website that will have users, and levels for a quiz. While I have looked around and the general consensus is using firebase for the backend with either vue or react, I was wondering what would be the easiest and most beginner friendly path to choose as someone new to back end web development