Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







pirate scroll theme

I am trying to make a site where the sections roll down like a pirate scroll and when changed out or in transition roll back up until the section is in view. I have no idea where to start but I am trying to do it for my site @

Is there a safe/convenient way to have an embeddable JS SDK, that allows authenticating?

I am working on a game portal SDK, that will be embedded/used within various HTML5/webgl games. My backend brain would use a generic oauth flow for these kind of things (where it redirects the whole page to /oauth/authorize like URL), but given that the games could be embedded on various websites or at least on the portal website within an iframe, it would be cool if I could (in case of user not being logged in on parent game portal) show a modal or a popup for authenticating (similar to how goo...

Help to deploy React projects in cpanel.

Hello everyone 👋 , please help me to deploy the React project in cpanel , .... My react project is already hosted in GitHub , I want to connect my project to cpanel with my main domain.

Border only in corners

Hello, Could does anybody know how to get borders only in corners? instead of the top border going all the way across only having like 10% of it, and then doing the same thing with the left corner having 10% of it to form like a L in the corner? Thank you.

Fade-away Loading Effect

Hello! So I've been building up this navbar for a while... and yesterday I thought it would be a good idea to add a loading state to it. However, upon putting the final touches, I'm running into a minor inconvenience. I want the loading indicator .navbar-container::after to disappear and come in with the background graident of nav::after. I can do this somewhat with replacing the transparent parameter to the background color, however this makes the navbar not look the best or as easily viewable:...
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Possible to change opacity on child elements based on parent sibling selector?

<header> <div class="menu"> <div class="overlay"></div> <div class="blur"></div> </div>...

Looking for advice for how can I make this design possible

#1 In the first image there is a curved line coming from the ending of another section to the beginning of another section(Marked With a Red Arrow Sign). How can I implement this with HTML, CSS, and JS? Letter I will implement it by myself using react and tailwind CSS. You can suggest me some YouTube tutorials or give me a guide to get started. #2 On the second image Icons are inside of a polygon and those polygon positioned in a way wich lool like honeycomb. Can you tell me how can I create thia layout with Html and css?...
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Javascript - Sort by Number

as the title suggests, I'm trying to sort by number. This is sorting by string? Any ideas?
if (order == "desc"){"data-order", "asc"); tableData = tableData.sort((a,b) => a[column] > b[column] ? 1: -1)...

Need help with crazy designer requirement (blending opacity colors)

Hey guys, I have one really interesting feature that I have been trying to implement for quite some time now and I would appreciate the help. The client and designer want to have these galaxy-like animations that will move around and create fancy effects. However, I have a big problem implementing this in CSS, due to how semi-transparent colors are mixed. When you stack two elements with semi-transparent backgrounds, on overlapped areas the color is brightened....
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Looking for advice on how to build this navigation

I found a piece of inspiration for navigation design on Framer. Wondering how I would acheive this following proper semantics. The nav is positioned in the center with a border around the container and has a button that is positioned on the right. In the DOM the button is not placed in the nav element. Is there any way to achieve this with keeping the button in the nav?...
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i cant += value

moneygetterhaha.value += 1;

Intrinsic image sizes

Just looking to optimize my images (actually using Astro, but I'm leaning towards the raw picture tag because it seems like it has more flexibility) The width and height attributes are intrinsic values right? ie not how big I'd like to render the image, but how big the image is on my HDD. I swear I see the former definition used everywhere? I'd then use the sizes attribute (in a picture tag) or css to set the render sizes with relevant breakpoints? Thanks,...

Nested grid

can we remove the nested grid out from its grid to its parent grid ?

Jittering infinite horizontal scroll animation tailwindcss

Hi, I am currently working on implementing a infinite scrolling horizontal component in one of my projects. My current implementation almost works but when the scroll loops back around to the beginning it jitters and stutters instead of looping back smoothly. Can someone help me figure out how to get rid of this jitter and make the animation smooth? Here is a tailwind playground environment with the reproduced issue in a simplified setting:

component scoped private props

I’ve seen KPow do this in several videos with the locally scoped custom prop whose value is set to a global prop but then in the modifier class, changes the global prop. Haven’t really grasped why he changes the global one (sans underscore) instead of the local one (with underscore). Or vice versa just abstain from making a local and just use the global. I’m sure there’s a good reason but why ? Wouldn’t you want to change the locally scoped :nth-of-type(2){ —_border: hotpink ; }
That has the indicator (the underscore) that it’s a private prop if you’re going to declare it anyway? Is it just to ensure a fallback? People coming upon the modifier class (.bubble-1) will see —border and go looking in the root for it?...
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Progress bars value/width does not change with javascript (bootstrap)

i was trying to change the value or width (i dont know what to call it) of the bootstrap progress bar using onclick event but when i tried to change that nothing has happened so i tried to console log to see whats happening and i saw the width variable of the progress bar keeps returning as NaN.

Max-width child should be aligned at the center

we have a parent div of width 100% ,its child has a max-width containing the title of 350px aligning at the center.After writing the desired css there is some unwanted spaace left in the container how can we avoid this?
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3 Cards 1 row where the center card is 1.5 times the size of the 1st and 3rd card.

Like the image, I want 3 divs stacked horizontally. 1st and 3rd div should be the same size but the 2nd (center) div should be a little bigger than the 1st and 3rd div. I tried using scale(1.5) on the 2nd div but then it over laps with the 1st and 3rd div. I thought about manually setting height on all three cards and giving the middle one a greater value that the corner cards but AFAIK it's not recommended to set height on things. I am using tailwind with react, if it matters....
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SVG Morphing

Hello, I am currently playing around with SVG animations and was looking to morph one path to another. I wondered if you guys had any recommendations on the most straight-forward tools/plugins to make this happen. Currently working on a project that needs several different paths to morph among themselves seamlessly.

Hello i need help

I realy dont understand how they are making like this without disrupting the flow
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