Border only in corners

Hello, Could does anybody know how to get borders only in corners? instead of the top border going all the way across only having like 10% of it, and then doing the same thing with the left corner having 10% of it to form like a L in the corner? Thank you.
5 Replies
capt_uhuβ€’10mo ago
here's my 6am attempt: Added the border as a pseudo element so we can mask it. as a side note: Have a vague memory of a working draft "border-clip" property but no browser implements (not even a test implementation yet), so super easy in the future (assuming browser vendors ever bother adding it) but for now it's really annoying to do.
MarkBootsβ€’10mo ago
there are some nice solutions already. just wanted to try an option without the use of pseudo elements or mask. just on the main element
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capt_uhuβ€’10mo ago
This is also a really good use case for the Paint API for anyone that might be willing to go that route:
The community-driven resource library of CSS Houdini worklets. Learn about CSS Houdini, its APIs, usage, polyfills, and browser status, to take advantage of the Houdini APIs today.
octavia0914OPβ€’10mo ago
Thank you guys. I appreciate the help

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