Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time πŸ™‚.







can you have an if else statement inside this ```style={{ }}```

i was wondering if you can do an if else statement inside
style={{ }}
style={{ }}
, like do this static color in when this happens and do this color when this happens etc
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I am stuck on this challenge help me

I have attached event handler to the noOfPeople input and in the event handler I call another function which is called validate field which calls validator on each input and from the validators whcih the validateField calls in the validatorSelectTip function the this keyword refers to undefined. why is that because I have attached the bind keyword when I call the event handler on the "noOfPeople" input. this is the live-site url: this is the git repo:

Change column order in mobile view

Hi, I'm a beginner and I'd like to swap around two columns in the mobile version of this page: Basically have the "please register" element up and the checklist down. How can I do that with CSS? Thank you! Chris....
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Typical starting template for creating a div container on an entire page?

Morning I always mess this up somehow, my typical start is below: ```js...

A question about getting Sass setup

Do you alway install sass when you use it or will it always be stored on your pc? I'm using VSCode. I installed Sass before on a project but it looks like I have to install it again...

Help! How to develop this UI

After working on a whole day I couldn't develop this. It's very complex. This is a React project. Developing these two navigation bars quite difficult. I couldn't imagine how should I develop html structure and how can I achieve this with css. Can anyone give me a guide or a hint, I really appreciate it. πŸ€— Live link :
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Fancybox alternatives to modals

We currently use an older, free version of Fancybox to load images and forms in modal lightboxes. I was about to be all set to migrate to or program my own non-jquery-dependent solution, aaaaand now we're using pardot forms which are iframes. (Which we hate so much.) Can anyone recommend a good alternative to fancybox that handles images and iframes? The latest v5 of Fancybox seems like it's just a paid license now.

Huge Gap Between Two Lines of <h1> Tag

I am having an issue here with the <h1> tag. I have broken the text so it is split between two lines of text but there is a huge gap between the two and I would like them to be much closer than what they are. Any suggestions on what I can do to make them come closer together?
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bootstrap fixed navbar moves on scroll

I have a bootstrap fixe- top navbar on my site. On mobile devices it moves up half its height on scrolling down. It stays on top of everything so when you have slim fingers you can still open the burger, but it looks bad 😦 Any ideas?

How to select specific tags in a tag

I want to make everything in the div uppercase, except the span that has a "k" in it because it's a small k
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Fixed position element causing issue on hover I have attached a video above. The search element is positioned fixed 550px from top. then expanding of seachbar works fine when i dont scroll. but when i scroll and then hover it glitches. I switched to position absolute then that glitch affect goes away but i will not same fixed position relative to viewport. Here is the code: codepen:


above is does the reponsive size of the font depending on the vw but the is the feasablity of this tried in one blog type web page lookgs exaclty from TABLET - LARGE DESKTOP...

Should I create a separate stylesheet just for responsive?

Which practice is better, making it responsive within the main style sheet, or creating another style sheet just for responsive, media query, etc.? I know that the more stylesheets I connect to my head, the more http requests will be made.

FCP, LCP in web vitals.

i made a website using svelte and tailwind css this div here is making my website quite not a good one ```html <div class="w-52 sm:w-64"> <img...

i want to know how i can make this design

every thing else i think i can pull off but the curves in the middle can someone explain how i can make that m not good with photoshop is there any other way
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How to make this heart icon

I have made heart icon using 2 circles and one div angled. But i cant make it just show border of heart shape and make inside of heart transparent. I want heart like this where it just shows outline of heart and inside it must be transparent. When click on it , it should turn red. Any kind of help i will be very thankful❀️.
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Are DOM modifications synchronous?

1. If I modify the DOM, can I be sure that that the next line of code has consistent access to that modification? 2. Same question, but for Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules....

Any thoughts on a pure CSS solution color behind letters?

A deviously simple-looking challenge. Just a block of text with a background color. That only goes behind the text. πŸ™‚ Obviously not looking for a hard-coded clip path or something, but a general solution....
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