Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







LocalStorage and useEffect

In a typical CRUD scenario, one would be using the above mentioned like this: • useEffect => On load: check if localStorage data exists, then parse it and save in state. • useEffect => Listens for changes in state data, then saves it to localStorage. How can I prevent the second useEffect from running after the first on initial load? ...

svg with color-scheme: dark light, automatic BUT BACKGROUND!

Hi, I have this website color-scheme: dark light; is used, so I don't have to set any variables for colors. with the svg-s (for bottom navigation) having svg path{ fill:currentColor...

Overflow-x auto causes button to flicker

Hello, I got this div with a button, that when you click it you can add an image and the button moves to the right side. And there's a button on the image to remove it. And when there's enough pictures the div will scroll. All that works as intended. But when you remove the last image the button becomes basically hard to interact with. there's like a few pixels of good space where you can get it to work. Removing overflow-x auto solves this. But obviously it also removes the behaviour I want.
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Performance things in lighthouse

Hey, i'm wondering can't know what LCP, FCP, and others means. and what type of images should i make them lazy loading? should i add the lazy loading to large images or specifically on small images? and in this image the image is 15KiB what should i do? what she wanted from me?...
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Typeform Button

I want to make a button that opens a typeform form but typeform website has their own built in ones how can i make my own with css?

css column expand to fit area

i have: ```html <div class="a"> <button>Btn</button> <span>Text</span>...

Need help with responsie header icon 2

I shouldn't have deleted first post, sorry I am learning I am struggling to make the icon responsive on my project, it disappears on a smaller screen. (I know my right arrow does as well but this is a different issue as well as other issues like displaying 1 to 5 cards, I am not fixing this yet).
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custom cursor effect

Someone posted this awhile ago asking about the custom cursor (I think it’s only visible on desktop) and I’m trying to figure out how these hover effects work. From what I can tell the button has its hover effect and on hover the custom cursor is transparent so it just looks like the cursor is becoming the hover state. Anyone else have any thoughts on this ? The timing seems a little tricky on when the cursor goes transparent and how it’s animated out and in. It’s a site for accessibility so would be ironic if so but any issues with this kind of effect being inaccessible for those using assistive technology?

need to couple class to my js file

ps im tired it is 1 at night here trying to fix it
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white color!white background

Hey guys!I have a problem:) my text color is always white,but the background can change!the problem is : when user wants to choose white background,what do you recomend?maybe you can help me with a good text-shadow👩🏻‍💻 I have tried many shadows but they just didnt look well...

how do I make an infinite horizontal scroll

How do I make an infinite horizontal image scroll


Hi everyone, Im trying to make a portfolio with some projects. I wanna make a "one pager", so when you scroll down each project description will have "its own" page....
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Hello, There is an issue with the div number 3, where it skips a line (at width = 1263 pixels and below to be exact) eventho it's not supposed to, unless the screen is very small. Am i missing something? Thank you in advance. --------------...
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characters count using js

I am unable to count the characters in an input tag . I want something like when the user will enter a key it should show me the updated value after each key enter.But first time when i type nothing happens and when i click on sumbit and than again enter key than it works . here is my website link"" at the end of this webpage there will be accordian which when clicked will show a input tag with sumbit button
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Grid template rows - Height Auto

Hi there, How would I make these grid items all the same height using auto? How do I declare this on the grid template row?

react native error

hi I’m currently facing this error. I’m running the app but this error is popping up. I’m using the app to run on emulator. And urgent help
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Media Query in Safari iOS

```CSS @media (width:375px) and (height:812px) and (orientation: portrait) { .iphone-12-mini-13-mini:bg-green-500 { --tw-bg-opacity: 1; background-color: rgb(34 197 94 / var(--tw-bg-opacity));...
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is it a bad practice to use <br> to break line at a specific word in html?

i have 4 words and i simply for visual need of a design need to break the line at word 2, is using <br> okay professionally? and if not what would be a css alternative ?
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How to see LCH colour previews in VSC?

Is there any way to get colour previews for the new(ish) LCH colours? Ideally I could also click-convert them to the other respective colourspaces, as VSC handily allows (for the colour spaces it supports!) Even an online webapp to do this would help, which I can't seem to find....
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what is wrong here

i know to solve this problem we will use apply but i don't understand why?
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